For dog lovers: What does it mean that a puppy as outside potty privileges?

I want to adopt a puppy through my local shelters, but I'm not too familiar w/ all the lingo. Can someone tell me what is meant by potty and play privileges outside? Thanks!

    For dog lovers: What does it mean that a puppy as outside potty privileges?

    I want to adopt a puppy through my local shelters, but I'm not too familiar w/ all the lingo. Can someone tell me what is meant by potty and play privileges outside? Thanks!...
    General Dog Discussions : For dog lovers: What does it mean that a puppy as outside potty privileges?...

    • For dog lovers: What does it mean that a puppy as outside potty privileges?

      For dog lovers: What does it mean that a puppy as outside potty privileges? General Dog Discussions
      I want to adopt a puppy through my local shelters, but I'm not too familiar w/ all the lingo. Can someone tell me what is meant by potty and play privileges outside? Thanks!

      For dog lovers: What does it mean that a puppy as outside potty privileges?

      For dog lovers: What does it mean that a puppy as outside potty privileges? General Dog Discussions
    • That you will not keep the dog entirely indoors and pad trained. That you will provide it adequate time outdoors for exercise and to go potty.

    • It means that he is taken out to pee on a schedule, so he doesn't have to use pee pads in his kennel. Also, it means he knows how to play outside, and is taken out when weather permits but lives indoors.

    • Think about it this way: If you run a boarding house and the tenants are allowed kitchen privileges, that means they get to use your kitchen. Similarly, if you take in a shelter puppy as a "tenant", you're agreeing he gets to be taken outside to potty and play. The real difference is that a boarder pays the landlord with money, and a puppy shows you love and devotion!