I am scared of dogs, and going to get one to face my fears, what's the best dog to get?

I know it's stupid, but ever since I was little I was afraid of dogs. Still am, and it's getting annoying. I want to get a dog so I can try not to be scared of them anymore & get use to them. What's the best dog to get? Please no mean comments either!

    I am scared of dogs, and going to get one to face my fears, what's the best dog to get?

    I know it's stupid, but ever since I was little I was afraid of dogs. Still am, and it's getting annoying. I want to get a dog so I can try not to be scared of them anymore & get use to them. What's the best dog to get? Please no mean comments either!...
    Dogs Training Discussions : I am scared of dogs, and going to get one to face my fears, what's the best dog to get?...

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    • Do not...I repeat...do not, get a dog. What will happen if you can't get over your fear, then what happens to the dog? Go's to a shelter.If you want to get more comfortable with dogs, start by maybe being around some of your friends who have dogs, start getting comfortable interacting with dogs.You can try, volunteering at the shelter, but I don't know if that's necessarily a good idea. Dogs are stressed in a shelter and may not show their best side, which may increase your fear.