Is neutering the question to my dog's behaviour problems?

He is one years old. On walks, he will strain to get near EVERY single dog he sees, even if it is 10 metres away! Off lead, he follows dogs around unless I walk off, and once he even followed a female home! He like to play bite and growl while playing,…

    Is neutering the question to my dog's behaviour problems?

    He is one years old. On walks, he will strain to get near EVERY single dog he sees, even if it is 10 metres away! Off lead, he follows dogs around unless I walk off, and once he even followed a female home! He like to play bite and growl while playing,…...
    Dogs Training Discussions : Is neutering the question to my dog's behaviour problems?...

    • Is neutering the question to my dog's behaviour problems?

      Is neutering the question to my dog's behaviour problems? Dogs Training Discussions
      He is one years old. On walks, he will strain to get near EVERY single dog he sees, even if it is 10 metres away! Off lead, he follows dogs around unless I walk off, and once he even followed a female home! He like to play bite and growl while playing, and marks on his walk when he really should pee all at once. Will neutering help? What are the other benefits of neutering him beside cancer?

      Is neutering the question to my dog's behaviour problems?

      Is neutering the question to my dog's behaviour problems? Dogs Training Discussions
    • I had my dog neutered about a month ago (a requirement of adopting from the local animal shelter) and I hoped it would calm him down. So far, it has not. He jumps on people and still wants to play fight quite often. Yes, I am trying to train him not to do so and progress is slowly being made, but don't think that neutering by itself will turn your dog into a well behaved pet. When it comes to the benefits of neutering, it's mainly to prevent reproduction. Yes, a neutered dog obviously can't get testicular cancer, but how many human males are going to get their balls clipped for that reason? But one thing it will do it stop him from having the urge to wander off and find a female to mate with. That will cut down the chances of him going into the road and getting hit or going on someones property and getting shot.

    • Neutering won't help with this. It is a puppy thing. Your dog is still in teenager mode and has no fear of other dogs. He will grow more weary as he ages, especially if he has run-ins with other dogs. Neutering does help with scent marking to a certain extent. Neutered dogs still do this, but not as much, especially if properly trained or encouraged not to. Though you'd have needed to neuter him before maturity to gain this benefit, and depending on the breed, he will already be sexually mature by one year (though not mentally mature).You should neuter him though, as your next worry will be that he fertilises a female "dog".edit: also thought I'd add that neutered dogs are generally happier. They don't get those urges that entire dogs get and therefore don't feel the frustration.

    • From experience - on its own no, I have my Border Collie neutered at 1 year old because he was trying to hump anything and everything, I do strongly believe that it was the extensive at home and walking training we provided him that helped. He's 4 years old now and still occasionally tries to have a go on my leg but just a firm NO and he stops. It is important to socialise them from an early age and to give appropriate commands when their behaviour is inappropriate. It might also help to get him a head collar lead (cant remember what its called) but would definately help with the control you have over him especially if he weights quite a bit like mine!