is it illegal to smack my dog?

I just want to know the legalities involved. My dog is very well trained, and I use the reward system for 99.9% of the time. However, every now and again, especially when there is another dog around it is like he forgets all his training, goes deaf to…

    is it illegal to smack my dog?

    I just want to know the legalities involved. My dog is very well trained, and I use the reward system for 99.9% of the time. However, every now and again, especially when there is another dog around it is like he forgets all his training, goes deaf to…...
    Dogs Training Discussions : is it illegal to smack my dog?...

    • Most importantly it's pointless. He's going across the road for the best of reasons (in his mind), to defend you - and that overrides any training he may have had. You have to convince him you're a capable leader and if you smack him you're showing him the exact opposite. It's the .1% that makes the difference, give him mixed signals and you set yourself up for problems.Read "The Dog Listener" by Jan Fennell" and you'll find out what's happening and how you can tackle it effectively, without intimidation or force. If you want me to put you in touch with someone who can help, then please email, but it would mean further costs and everything is in Jan's book. You'll just need to be consistent and patient.

    • It depends to what extent and how often you hit your dog, but yes, hitting your dog falls under the Animal Welfare Act 2006. So if someone saw you hit your dog, reported you and your dog was found to have a mark/injury where you had hit him, he could be taken away.Hitting on the nose is a bad idea as it could impair his sense of smell - a vital tool if your dog is to understand his surroundings.You should ALWAYS praise your dog when he comes back to you. If you hit him when he comes back, he will associate coming back with a punishment, therefore deeming it an unwanted behaviour and won't do it!Your dogs problem with other dogs is probably down to inadequate socialisation when he was a pup. So start so socialise him now, ask a friend dog owner to help and introduce the two dogs on leads and take them off the lead if they do not fight. Do this with as many dogs as possible and he will soon learn how to interact with other dogs properly.In the mean time, i suggest you keep him on a lead.Your

    • I'm not going into the political rights and wrongs of this because thats not what your asking, but what I found with my dog was that if i bopped her on her snout she would try to bite me simply in self defence of herself. If you hit them, their going to bite back.What I eventually did with my dog was use the discipline that guide dogs use on their dogs. If she'd been bad I would get a hold of the scruff of her neck, either behind her ears, or either side of her neck, give her a small shake (not a violent one!) and tell her a firm sharp NO! BAD GIRL! and leave it at that.That is the way the mother would handle the puppies if they were out of line, by doing the scruff of the neck thing you are keeping with the way the dog would be in the pack and the dog is more likely to understand your discipline.Like i said if you hit it all the dog will see is abuse and try to defend itself by biting you, thus making a bad situation worse

    • I would'nt smack your dog just like a tap on th nose so they know there doing something wrong without hurting them . it works for m hope it works with you :)

    • I have always trained my dogs. However there are no dogs who should be off lead near a busy road. Vets surgeries and dog graveyards are filled with dogs who were allowed off lead near a road.Smacking a dog is a waste of time and if you smack him when he comes back, he will stop coming back to you.