How can I help my dog overcome the fear of walking outside?

Sophie is 1 1/2 years old. I use to take her for walks and she did excelent. But over the summer when it got to hot and I was pregnant, we stopped walking. She won't go outside, she hates her collar, we take it off at home. And she will not walk out…

    How can I help my dog overcome the fear of walking outside?

    Sophie is 1 1/2 years old. I use to take her for walks and she did excelent. But over the summer when it got to hot and I was pregnant, we stopped walking. She won't go outside, she hates her collar, we take it off at home. And she will not walk out…...
    Dogs Training Discussions : How can I help my dog overcome the fear of walking outside?...

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    • How can I help my dog overcome the fear of walking outside?

      How can I help my dog overcome the fear of walking outside? Dogs Training Discussions
      Sophie is 1 1/2 years old. I use to take her for walks and she did excelent. But over the summer when it got to hot and I was pregnant, we stopped walking. She won't go outside, she hates her collar, we take it off at home. And she will not walk out the door. I have to carry her outside and she will walk a little and then sit down and look away from me. Then I tell her, "lets go inside" and she runs towards our apartment. She only does this here. She is not afraid to go outside in my parents backyard. She likes it there. But for some reason here at our apartment complex she doesn't want to go out. There are lots of people with dogs in our community. Maybe she can sense them? I really want her to walk, she needs the exersice. Any suggestions?I've tried using a treat to get her to go outside, but she wont eat it. She still looks away. She gets really stiff, shaky and curls her tail in. From this I think she is really afraid. Maybe if I use some really good tasty treat she might go outside?

      How can I help my dog overcome the fear of walking outside?

      How can I help my dog overcome the fear of walking outside? Dogs Training Discussions
    • Try to find a local dog park, and take her there. (Only if she's socialized & friendly with other dogs, of course).Maybe once she meets new dogs, and makes some friends, she'll find a place that she loves to run and play at.

    • well first off...become the pack leader...your dog is your pet, not the other way around...put your dog on a prong collar, take a handful of treats with you...and put on the air of invincibility...'like i own this street and this dog and we are goin for a walk today'when your dog is walking fine...then reward her with a treat and 'good walkin' when she gets stuborn, quickly pull on the collar and proceed forward...and as soon as she is walking good again, reward her...

    • its a type of conditioning that she is supposed to "dominate" the house, i think it scares her that she can't control what goes on outside.1st try putting on her collar inside the house (it is probably best to get a different type so its something new, maybe a choke chain) give her a some time to adjust to wearing it.when you think she is ready try it with a leash, let her walk around with that, maybe for an hour or twothen try outside... make sure you or not hesitant or she might become hesitant too. Dogs can sense your energyyou need to start with short walks and build your way back up, try to walk her in places where nothing can scare her in the beginning-for more ideas watch the dog whisperer on national geographic great show!

    • First things first, DO NOT LET HER WIN. You cannot keep letting her go back inside when she sits and wont look at you. You have to be stern, this is for her own good, if she isnt getting exersice she will become overweight. When you reach the door out of your apartment coax her out with a treat and loving talk. With each step she makes praise her unconditionaly. Gradualy praise her every other step, to every 5 steps, and so on and so forth. When she sits and decides to get stubborn give her some love, talk to her gently and comfort her. Get her to trust you that nothing is going to hurt her outside. You can also bring her to dog parks ect to get some of her exersice in. Think of her as your child already a teen, you want her to be healthy and happy while shes being stubborn, and you can't give up for her sake. Good Luck!

    • reward her with treat when she comes outside and after she walks some give her another, and the she will begin to think that going outside is a positive experience again. maybe she thinks you are still too sick to walk. since you didn't walk when a change happened to your body, she might hhink there is still something wrong with you and that you need to stay home. or i could be that she has fear of the other dogs. but maybe you should try carrying her wherever you will be walking for a couple of times and then put her down and let her get her grips with the environment wher you will be walking before she actually has to face it on her own feet. if she is a small enough dog for you to carry her that long.

    • yea i'm no expert when it comes to dogs sadly but i can give you some advise. Well for one make her go with a collar on so then she really has no choice but to go. Your gonna have to train her to go back outside. Give her treats after so she gets the point. of course after a while don't give her treats because she will think she will always get them and she can't. You need to show her who is the boss around the house and all because if you don't then she will never learn and she will never leave. if you have any other problems comment me back on one of my questions or something(e-mail me i don't kno)i know some what alot about dogs so yea.

    • Do not carry her around, do not "baby" her. MAY BE something happened in the area where she is associating the environment with. Any recall on that? Also if its HOT on the ground, like asphalt ? Do NOT let the dog walk anyways, the paw is super sensitive, make sure to walk her in cool time. Start slow, one baby step at a time with lots of positive reinforcement.