How do we stop a dog who always scream very loudly in big horror to a member of your own house?

For information this person never hurts that dog and I've tried to be patient for three years. It's my dog so it's absolutely tiring.

    How do we stop a dog who always scream very loudly in big horror to a member of your own house?

    For information this person never hurts that dog and I've tried to be patient for three years. It's my dog so it's absolutely tiring....
    Dogs Training Discussions : How do we stop a dog who always scream very loudly in big horror to a member of your own house?...

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    • How do we stop a dog who always scream very loudly in big horror to a member of your own house?

      How do we stop a dog who always scream very loudly in big horror to a member of your own house? Dogs Training Discussions
      For information this person never hurts that dog and I've tried to be patient for three years. It's my dog so it's absolutely tiring.

      How do we stop a dog who always scream very loudly in big horror to a member of your own house?

      How do we stop a dog who always scream very loudly in big horror to a member of your own house? Dogs Training Discussions
    • Sorry, I dont really understand your question? Are you saying that your dog screams at a member of your family within your household and you cant make your dog stop screaming at this person?

    • Hi Dear, You need to call an Animal behavior person..Have them come out to your home and see what they can do with this problem..That's the only thing I can think of doing..Good Luck..Your Friend,poppy1

    • Try spraying him with water from a small squirter bottle every time he does it... he will soon understand.If it doesn't work add a little pepermant sent to the water.

    • I've seen symptoms similar to this with a friend's dog who feared contact with a neighbor...What to do:Buy a snug, but comfortable fitting muzzle for the dog and put it on the dog.Have the person who scares the dog, pet it in different intervals (aka: leaving the room for 10 minutes, come back and pet for 5 minutes, leave for 15 minutes, come back and pet for 8 minutes.... etc) Showing the animal situations/time may change but the person is the same...(also try different rooms in the house during this exercise).After the reaction calms down a little have the scary person walk the dog outside for a while frequently stopping to pet it......over time the animal will be desensitized to that person and relationships will improve!