Is there any way to help a dog get over her fears ?

My dog is very afraid of many noises including firecrackers, yelling, banging or any other noise. If she hears a noise while she is on her walk she will pull us home no matter what and will refuse to go any further. She was like this since she was a…

    Is there any way to help a dog get over her fears ?

    My dog is very afraid of many noises including firecrackers, yelling, banging or any other noise. If she hears a noise while she is on her walk she will pull us home no matter what and will refuse to go any further. She was like this since she was a…...
    Dogs Training Discussions : Is there any way to help a dog get over her fears ?...

    • Is there any way to help a dog get over her fears ?

      Is there any way to help a dog get over her fears ? Dogs Training Discussions
      My dog is very afraid of many noises including firecrackers, yelling, banging or any other noise. If she hears a noise while she is on her walk she will pull us home no matter what and will refuse to go any further. She was like this since she was a puppy. Any suggestions ?

      Is there any way to help a dog get over her fears ?

      Is there any way to help a dog get over her fears ? Dogs Training Discussions
    • I know what you mean my dog is the same way, and relly theres not much you can do, and especialy make sure you dont baby her and go aww its of and stuff like that. Just try to avoid the situations and when you get involved in one act like you hear nothing so she cant sence you fear.

    • well....its hard to give suggestions,since idk your dog know your dog better than anyone.maybe try to get her use to a noises around the take it slow...get noses a little louder at a time, don't go straight to like a firecracker....start with a whistle or something.

    • I have handled many dogs which will filled with intense fear. The most important thing IMHO is that the dog needs to know it can trust you. Not allowing your dog to run home when frightened on walks is a great first step. It shows the dog it can keep going and will be safe. Allowing it to run only enhances the fear. Most likely it had some traumatic and loud experience. Remember, you are in charge and the dog goes where you go, not the other way around. Praise it when it does well, talk gently to it and offer words of encouragement, be the boss and the dog will handle it's issues.

    • If you buy a child/dog sized t-shirt and let her wear that while experiencing those noises it sometimes helps.I have a dog that is afraid of everything when she leaves the house. I just act silly and say, "weeee, that was fun!" when something scary happens. She just looks at me like if I'm happy and not scared then it must be ok.Another tip, not exactly on topic, but helpful for owners of skiddish dogs. Have her id tag say something like "scared, not abused" just in case she is every spooked and then gets lost. Most people that find scared dogs will just assume they are the rescuer of an abused dog and make no attempt to find the owner.