How do I stop my 7 month old puppy from eating everything?

my puppy eats everything he finds on the ground. he spends all day sniffing around trying to find something to eat

    How do I stop my 7 month old puppy from eating everything?

    my puppy eats everything he finds on the ground. he spends all day sniffing around trying to find something to eat...
    Dogs Training Discussions : How do I stop my 7 month old puppy from eating everything?...

    • How do I stop my 7 month old puppy from eating everything?

      How do I stop my 7 month old puppy from eating everything? Dogs Training Discussions
      my puppy eats everything he finds on the ground. he spends all day sniffing around trying to find something to eat

      How do I stop my 7 month old puppy from eating everything?

      How do I stop my 7 month old puppy from eating everything? Dogs Training Discussions
    • Honestly, that's pretty normal :). Just make sure that he always has food in his dish. Some people believe this will lead to overeating, but if he knows there is always food available, he will not feel the urge to wolf it down when he realizes it is there. If he's eating things in your house, try setting some decoys out, and make sure to douse them with tabasco sauce. This sounds mean, but it will not hurt him and will teach him to be careful about what he is putting in his mouth. If he's eating feces, I'm afraid it is a lifelong passion for all dogs and is just part of it! Good luck ;)

    • Just like baby's.. Puppy's will put everything in the mouth's...Just try to keep your flours clean... Keep things picked up that you don't want him to eat..

    • Sounds like you've never had a puppy before. That is what they do. The sniffing is their way of exploring. They put things in their mouths to see if they taste good - just like a human baby. Don't scold him - he's just being a puppy. (It is YOU that needs to change - your attitude and expectations. Start enjoying your dog, relax, and let him be.)

    • 1. clean your floors. put everything up out of his reach that you dont want him chewing on.2. get a variety of chew toys...dogs loose their baby teeth, they NEED something to chew on.3. if your puppy is chewing something you dont want him to have tell him "DROP IT" and take it from him then give him something you WANT him to chew on.NEVER hit (spank) your dog, that only teaches your puppy to be afraid of your hands and fast movement....that turns a nice sweet puppy into a fear biter in no time flat!edit:wtf is up w/ the first poster and the fifth poster, those answers are identical!?

    • Put him in a crate when you can't watch him directly. Take him to an obedience class and teach him the leave it command. That way when you see him sniffing or chewing on something he shouldn't be you can tell him to leave it.What kind of dog is he also. If he's a hound breed, well sorry about your luck. Did you reserach the breed before you got it? Breeds like hounds and other hunters are bred to sniff and mouth things.

    • Toys and exercise. Usually dogs chew because they are bored. Kong toys and/or other toys where treats can be added are great. Then they have an incentive to chew on the correct thing and not the furniture or shoes. Use chew toys to play with several times a day. Then they can associate that toy with you not only from playing but your scent is on there when you are gone. Exercise also helps to keep them active, healthy and if they get in a routine then they know they'll have that time each day. Don't forget to reward for positive behavior. I don't agree with "Punishment" methods for dogs. I know some do it with results but I can never bring myself to do that.

    • Well at least he is not chewing shoes and furniture or like my guy did....loved carpet!Your puppy needs guidance on what to chew and what not to chew.Good stuff to chew are his toys, nyla bones, rope toys and a variety of textures. When he chews on the good stuff he gets praised. "Yeah good dog"What not to chew or eat gets a immediate "bad dog". I had some luck with that sour apple spray to stop the carpet chewing. He may not be hungry but just taste testing, that is what I call it. He should be eating two meals a day per your vets specifications. He is also a boy so sniffing for markings and scents seem very common.

    • I am really not sure but I am with you on that question because I have a 4 1/2 month old puppy that just loves me to peices in fact he Shagwire #1 seems to have chose me for his number one chewtoy and I am trying to break of that little habit so he don't chew on someones hand that might not wish to be one of his chew toys. My puppy has alot of toys to play with and chew on so maybe in time he will work through his chewing on everything phase. Have you tried getting your puppy some toys that he can chew on like those rubber bones or something like that type of toy. Could be he's going through some kind of late teething type thing that puppies go through. anyway I wish you lotsa luck in breaking him of his habit of eatting everything he see because that is not always heathy for your puppy to do. Hope this helps some