How do I get my puppy to overcome his fear of walking on or near a busy street?

I have a 3-month old corgi. Up until yesterday, I had no problems taking him out on walks. I'm not sure what might have frightened him, but I've taken him on at least four longish walks since yesterday, and it's been like pulling teeth to get him to…

    How do I get my puppy to overcome his fear of walking on or near a busy street?

    I have a 3-month old corgi. Up until yesterday, I had no problems taking him out on walks. I'm not sure what might have frightened him, but I've taken him on at least four longish walks since yesterday, and it's been like pulling teeth to get him to…...
    Dogs Training Discussions : How do I get my puppy to overcome his fear of walking on or near a busy street?...

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    • How do I get my puppy to overcome his fear of walking on or near a busy street?

      How do I get my puppy to overcome his fear of walking on or near a busy street? Dogs Training Discussions
      I have a 3-month old corgi. Up until yesterday, I had no problems taking him out on walks. I'm not sure what might have frightened him, but I've taken him on at least four longish walks since yesterday, and it's been like pulling teeth to get him to actually move forward. Most of the time he just tries to run back to the house. I have him on a harness - I don't know if that makes a difference in terms of control, but he really had no problems up until yesterday. I'm pretty sure he's developed a fear of moving vehicles b/c he seems to freeze whenever one passes but then has no problem moving forward when we're in a very quiet, residential area. Unfortunately, I live near a busy street w/constant traffic, but it's not an uncommon area for people to walk their dogs.Any ideas? I make a strong effort to not let this discourage me on the walks and just take him back home as I don't want to encourage his fear. I've tried luring him w/treats to move forward, etc. but w/o any success.

      How do I get my puppy to overcome his fear of walking on or near a busy street?

      How do I get my puppy to overcome his fear of walking on or near a busy street? Dogs Training Discussions
    • Do your best to get him walking comfortably, and as soon as he's walking with at least less fear/trepidation, reward him and then head back to the house so he knows he'll always be making it back home.Like any behavior modification with dogs its gonna take quite a bit of time and patience.Once you can get him going, also you may want to plan your walk so you are going twds a reward, maybe a park where you can play with him, something that he will look forward to when you leave the house.It may also help to try to figure out exactly what triggered this behavior. I'm curious if the harness is new. If so it may be constricting him and making him that much more nervous

    • I'm not trying to be mean, but get a choker collar. place him beside you and lead him out he door. if he tries to go back in then lightly tug the leash and he will stop. every time he tries to go another way then lightly tug the leash. He needs to know you are in control and you are his/her leader. security comes from good leader ship. It's not an over night thing, but I'm sure it won't take long. Be sure whoever has him/her when you are not there is not causing this confusion and fear.Most of all they are not abusing him/her. One more thing treat and praise him/her for doing good. make follow commands, it's not too soon for dog obedience classes. Always follow through with you commands as well. Call petsmart they have obedience classes and you get to go home with your dog.

    • A good thing to try is to take him out side and just sit kinda on the sidwalk and do that with him and soon he will over come his fear. i learned this by accident with my lasy puppy. I used to take public transportation and I took my puppy EVERYWHERE and he was terrified of park cars I swear but after about two weeks of me sitting at bus stops with him he stopped being so scared of cars because he saw that I was going to keep him safe even if I wasn't holding him in my arms. This may not work for all dogs but it has seemed to be effective with my friends puppies as well. I hope you find the answer that you are looking for. **Good Luck**