How do I teach my puppy to stop biting people?

She is about 10 weeks old and is a Labrador Retriever. She is teething, so I'm almost positive that her sore mouth is the cause of all the biting. I have 3 daughters: ages 6, 7, and 11 and she bites them so hard, the skin swells and they begin to cry. …

    How do I teach my puppy to stop biting people?

    She is about 10 weeks old and is a Labrador Retriever. She is teething, so I'm almost positive that her sore mouth is the cause of all the biting. I have 3 daughters: ages 6, 7, and 11 and she bites them so hard, the skin swells and they begin to cry. …...
    Dogs Training Discussions : How do I teach my puppy to stop biting people?...

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    • let him bite your hand and start saying owowowow and fake crying, you do it not your daughters or training you need a muzzle