Puppy shaking during and after first bath?

Just bathed my 8 week old puppy for the first time(cos she played in a water puddle and was muddy with that wet dog smell), she was shaking and whining(as if we are abusing her or something...) during the bath(warm water), and keeps running away. After…

    Puppy shaking during and after first bath?

    Just bathed my 8 week old puppy for the first time(cos she played in a water puddle and was muddy with that wet dog smell), she was shaking and whining(as if we are abusing her or something...) during the bath(warm water), and keeps running away. After…...
    General Dog Discussions : Puppy shaking during and after first bath?...

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    • Puppy shaking during and after first bath?

      Puppy shaking during and after first bath? General Dog Discussions
      Just bathed my 8 week old puppy for the first time(cos she played in a water puddle and was muddy with that wet dog smell), she was shaking and whining(as if we are abusing her or something...) during the bath(warm water), and keeps running away. After the bath, while wrapped in towel, she was shaking like she's going to have a heart attack. This is my first puppy and I'm not sure if this is normal for a puppy during their first bath? Will they be scared the next time aswell? Anything I could do to calm her down and make her liking the bath?

      Puppy shaking during and after first bath?

      Puppy shaking during and after first bath? General Dog Discussions
    • It's normal :) my little guy is nearly two and he still shakes after a bath!! Just dry ur puppy of really well and give him or her a nice warm blanket to snuggle into. Also make sure the environment is warm as u dnt want ur puppy to catch a cold :)

    • It's normal. He might be feeling cold, scared. It's the same with hunting dogs. At first they are scared of gunshots but as time passes they get used to it. Don't worry he wont have a heart attack. You can allways give him a treat after a bath and it will make it more comfortable for him. Just remember, in time he'll get used to it. I have a dog and he was like that at first. He doesnt like it now either, but now he just stands still, shakes off after and he's fine.

    • Sounds like s/he is cold so either sit infront of a warm fire and rub her down with a dry towel or sit our in the sun or even a hairdryer, although the noise may scare it. & Next time while bathing do it slow and gentle and keep everything positive(positive encouragements etc..) so that the dog knows that what you're doing to it is ok

    • This is very normal nothing to worry about. You did everything right. This will always happen when a puppy is given a bath. When we gave our puppy a bath he did the same thing. What we learned was when we took the time to talk to our puppy and let the puppy know what we were doing while given the dog his bath it helped the puppy understand a little bit better and feel safe. And after we also took turns holding the puppy in a dry towel for a while to he was dry enough to walk on the floor. Our puppy love it and felt safe, warm, loved, and happy. I also learned puppies love when a person talks baby talk to them this is also a great way to calm your puppys fears.Congrats on your new puppy

    • Most puppies get really anxious during their first bath. But, you must keep her in the tub. This is something she has never experienced before. Don't coddle her. Just let her rest in her crate. If you don't molly coddle her fearful behavior, it will eventually go away.

    • Many puppies and full-grown dogs do not enjoy baths and will shake and shiver and run away, as you describe. This may continue forever, or it may abide with time...give her a few treats after the bath and speak sweetly to her.

    • Fact of life. Dogs don't like baths. It's scary as hell being drenched with water. My dog completely flipped out the first time I gave him a bath. I had to tie him to the bathroom faucet with a halter collar to keep him from escaping while I hosed him down. Sing to your dog, pet his face. But most importantly, keep calm and don't let the dog get what he wants. He will be scared next time and the time after that, and the time after that. Expect it to be a few months or a whole year of baths before he gets used to it. My dog is three now. He obeys when I tell him to go downstairs for bathtime and stands still calmly when I wash him (although he will escape if I take my eyes off him). He is three now. This behavior is nothing unusual. Frequent bathing is the only way to get rid of it. Tip. Keeping the water at a comfortable tempurature will help.

    • Well after the bath if she gets cold, you could use a sleepy pod warmer kit, which is used to keep your pet nice and warm. Its kinda a thing you insert under this pod and your dog can sit on it, and it warms them. My dog loves it, never wants to leave it. hehe There is a link on this site: http://arelleblankets.com/list-products/crater-dot-from-sleepypod/78/I hope this helps. :)