What is the best way to introduce a new puppy to an adult dog?

I have a german wired pointer/boxer mix who is a 7 year old male. We are adopting a puppy from our local animal shelter, she is 4 months old and a beagle schnauzer mix. What is the best way to introduce the puppy to our male dog? I did a google search…

    What is the best way to introduce a new puppy to an adult dog?

    I have a german wired pointer/boxer mix who is a 7 year old male. We are adopting a puppy from our local animal shelter, she is 4 months old and a beagle schnauzer mix. What is the best way to introduce the puppy to our male dog? I did a google search…...
    General Dog Discussions : What is the best way to introduce a new puppy to an adult dog?...

    • What is the best way to introduce a new puppy to an adult dog?

      What is the best way to introduce a new puppy to an adult dog? General Dog Discussions
      I have a german wired pointer/boxer mix who is a 7 year old male. We are adopting a puppy from our local animal shelter, she is 4 months old and a beagle schnauzer mix. What is the best way to introduce the puppy to our male dog? I did a google search but I'm hoping to hear from someone who has personally done this before. Thanks everyone!

      What is the best way to introduce a new puppy to an adult dog?

      What is the best way to introduce a new puppy to an adult dog? General Dog Discussions
    • Make sure none of the items that your male claims as his are in the area. Make sure both animals have been walked to the point that they are not excited and running around anymore. Bring the puppy to the older dog and present him backside 1st and let the older dog have a chance to get his scent before allowing them to meet face to face. Generally a 7 year old dog is going to be pretty laid back and there wont be much of a problem. Be sure and have a leash on the older dog just in case there is a problem you will have a means to control him easier.