Can dogs mate each other if they are brothers and sisters?

OK. The question might sound a little odd, but I was just wondering if I buy two puppies one male and a female and they happen to be brothers and sisters will they have sex when they grow up. As I want to have a dog family with two dogs and lots of…

    Can dogs mate each other if they are brothers and sisters?

    OK. The question might sound a little odd, but I was just wondering if I buy two puppies one male and a female and they happen to be brothers and sisters will they have sex when they grow up. As I want to have a dog family with two dogs and lots of…...
    General Dog Discussions : Can dogs mate each other if they are brothers and sisters?...

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    • Can dogs mate each other if they are brothers and sisters?

      Can dogs mate each other if they are brothers and sisters? General Dog Discussions
      OK. The question might sound a little odd, but I was just wondering if I buy two puppies one male and a female and they happen to be brothers and sisters will they have sex when they grow up. As I want to have a dog family with two dogs and lots of puppies. :):) My question is should I make sure that the two dogs I buy are not brother and sister for them to mate in future?? Please help i am planning to buy any time soon.

      Can dogs mate each other if they are brothers and sisters?

      Can dogs mate each other if they are brothers and sisters? General Dog Discussions
    • Number one why do you brother and sister dogs to mate? This can and does happen but is it good for the dogs and potentional pups? No inbreeding causes serious genetic disorders that have costly and deadly affects on the potential pups. Breeding is NOT money making exercise, you do it because you love the breed and want to improve the breed.There alot more to do then buy dog and breed to do it responsibly take time money and effort-will mean you have to give up other things you love-including holiday?.1. Start visiting breed clubs--Remember small purebred dogs are easier to sell such as Maltese, Shih Tzu, Bichon Frise, Cavalier King Charles Spaniel-as generally easier to sell then larger breeds.Dogs that have less health problems are also easier to sell.2. To make sure you don't get brother and sister-look for line breeding-this is having a distance relative on both sides but different parents-eg great grandparent-Sire or Dam, but different mother-father. 3. To make sure you don't get brother and sister mating-throughly compair pedigree lines at least 5generation backWhich means go back way way back and choose from a breed club-One pup with show potential-Show and Show! and Show again! Once the dog receive champion status then YOU can think about breeding-make sure YOU have enough $$$$ to cover the cost of breeding!Here is a few good websites to read before you consider breeding

    • THe same boundaries that exist for humans exist for animals. If you take two animals that are so closely related and mate them then the offspring will 9/10 be warped in size, temperment, etc. there is a thing called linebreeding, however, where you will take two dogs that had a common ancestor 4+ generations back and mate them. You usually get no defects etc because the gene pool has had a chance to elongate and diversify itself. If you want to mate the dogs in the future 1 make sure you have two dogs that are not closely related 2 allow the female to reach her two year mark before mating her 3 allow the male to reach his 18 month mark before mating him 4 keep your dogs on puppy food until theyre 18 months so they can truly gain the nutrients they need to grow to their potential. Good luck

    • Yes brother and sister dogs will mate. Mother and son too. Dogs don't care. It's called inbreeding. They do this in puppy mills. The result is dogs that have all kinds of genetic defects later on in life, like hip dysplasia, heart conditions, liver conditions etc. These problems are very expensive to treat and in most cases the dog will have to be put to sleep. So yes, please make sure the two dogs are NOT related in any way.

    • Brother and Sister will mate if not neutered and spayed, however this will produce puppies that carry anything genetically wrong in the breed line and you could end up with puppies that need serious medical help to survive. It is not a wise thing to do. When knowledgeable breeders do this, it is after much research into the line to make sure health issues a re minor and then only to set a particularly good quality in the puppies. These puppies then will not be bred to the same line and will be outcrossed if and when bred again.

    • It would not be in the best interest of the animal(s) to allow them to mate.inbreeding causes many problems for puppies after delivery in a largely increased rate of birth defects and death.I have however heard that you can inbreed father and daughter? however I would not recommend doing this also :)Hope i helped someway in answering your question.

    • Yes, they can if you don't get them fixed. They don't care if they're brother and sister once they're old enough. All they know is male and female. So they'll mate. The puppies they produce will be deformed and have a lot of problems, so it's not good to breed them. If you get a male and female dog, that's fine, but get them fixed.

    • if you want to breed dogs you have to make Absolutely sure both the male and female are NOT related if the dogs were brother and sister they would bred puppies that would possible sick or worst you need to look at both the male and females papers to ensure they are not related to breed a male and female out of the same litter would be disrespectful to the breed standard of the dogs also the bloodline would be too close i think to ask a question such as this means you have no idea about dog breeding and it would be better to be a bit more informed before breeding any dogs

    • [Crystal] and several others: Go study some history - start with the house of Ptolemy, a family of Mesopotamians who ruled Egypt and were too refined to want to mate any of the (yuck!) locals. The Pharaohs get a bad mention in the Christian Bible, thanks to the era of Moses. But find the lives and portraits of Cleopatra, Nefertiti, Ramesses.[on_mission]:Almost every answerer has a very vague knowledge of in-breeding. In-breeding has BENEFITS as well as DEMERITS. I doubt there is a breed that has NOT gone through a few generations of intense in-breeding in order to stabilise type. The drawbacks arise when breeders are careless, ignorant, negligent in their research, too cheapskate to do the testing & certificating.But to answer your first question:• You betcha they will!A son of our foundation brood taught us many things, including that his dam liked to be mated on the third day of her heat, and that the only "bad genes" she possessed were for a slight tendency to "French-fronts".Your eventual second question is a WRONG question.• You should NOT buy TWO pups at the same time.Raising ONE pup properly is a full-time occupation (most pups are NOT raised anything like properly, sad to say).Among the requirements is that you stay home 24/7 for at least the first week. It's partly to help Pup settle in and decide that you are NICE and the source of everything good in the universe. But mainly so that you can OBSERVE it 100% while it is awake, learning its timing & signals for such as "Wanna go toilet" so that you can PREDICT them and be ready to INSTANTLY take the appropriate action.With 2 pups there is no way you can give 100% each to BOTH of them.As an example - you see that Ace wants to go toilet, so carry him out to the designated spot.· If you leave Bella inside she will mess while you are absent.· If you let her follow you she will want to play with Ace and thus distract him from going toilet.Another example: When a pup is 18-22 weeks old its OWNER needs to be in a proper training club's weekly classes, getting coached on how to become an effective trainer. At the same time, pup learns to pay attention regardless of what other dogs & people are doing.· You can't train Ace & Bella at the same time.· If you train Ace, and another member of your household trains Bella, the pups will be watching each other instead of concentrating on their own handler.• The "rule" is that, if you want to be a 2-pooch household you:#1: Wait till the first is properly trained, neutered & healed. That way the Pup will learn many good behaviours by copying the elder, thus making what you HAVE to train easier to achieve. And there is thus no need to neuter anything too young - there ARE possible drawbacks from neutering, and the younger it is done, the more likely most of them are - see the 5 research reports in the Links => Neutering section of the first site below.#2 Get the OPPOSITE sex so that there is no rivalry as to which of them is top-dog, which preferably:#3: Get them half a life-expectancy apart. That way you won't have them both dying at about the same time. Instead, you will have a loving fur-therapist to help you grieve for the elder, and then to set a good example to help you train the new pup you will get.• In addition, you are obviously intending to get your pups from A WRONG SOURCE!No dedicated breeder, rescue group, or SPCA shelter would let you take 2 at the same time (except perhaps as a neutered mother and a neutered son).So obviously you NEED to learn much more about how to CHOOSE a source, and then how to choose a PUP.You DEFINITELY don't yet know enough to go about picking a breed-worthy AND the ideal mate for her. One thing at a time - get the best dog pup you can afford, train & compete with him at the nearest branch of his breed's club, find yourself a couple of very experienced mentors, and LEARN, LEARN, LEARN. You will probably, by the time you know enough to choose a future, agree that your dog is nice, and very well-behaved, but not up to breeding requirements - however, although the odds are against it, you MIGHT have struck it lucky first time. We knew our first GSD wasn't of breeding quality, but he DID have the instincts to be a sheep-drover and to automatically pin the angry sow that aimed to attack the farm-hand. Our first bitch had a top-class pedigree (and she'd been 3rd at our equivalent of Crufts and Westminster), but she turned out to have severe HD.

    • does that even sound like a good idea at all to mate brother and sister? Think about it.. would you have sex with YOUR sister?Dogs dont have "happy little families" either.. you are deluded. If you get dogs, get them spayed and neutered. Want puppies? Foster thru a local shelter.