Dogs and dodo accidents in the wrong place?

My 2 year old dog lives with us in an apartment. We have set up training pads for him to do his business because we might not be home when he needs to go. In the last month he has stopped using the pads and go on the carpet in another part of the home.…

    Dogs and dodo accidents in the wrong place?

    My 2 year old dog lives with us in an apartment. We have set up training pads for him to do his business because we might not be home when he needs to go. In the last month he has stopped using the pads and go on the carpet in another part of the home.…...
    General Dog Discussions : Dogs and dodo accidents in the wrong place?...

    • Dogs and dodo accidents in the wrong place?

      Dogs and dodo accidents in the wrong place? General Dog Discussions
      My 2 year old dog lives with us in an apartment. We have set up training pads for him to do his business because we might not be home when he needs to go. In the last month he has stopped using the pads and go on the carpet in another part of the home. Whats going on? My wife is getting frustrated with him.

      Dogs and dodo accidents in the wrong place?

      Dogs and dodo accidents in the wrong place? General Dog Discussions