How do you get a dog from eating poop?

Have a big bull dog and small dog. Big dog eats little dogs poop and if we don't clean it up fast she get to it. She never eats her own.

    How do you get a dog from eating poop?

    Have a big bull dog and small dog. Big dog eats little dogs poop and if we don't clean it up fast she get to it. She never eats her own....
    General Dog Discussions : How do you get a dog from eating poop?...

    • How do you get a dog from eating poop?

      How do you get a dog from eating poop? General Dog Discussions
      Have a big bull dog and small dog. Big dog eats little dogs poop and if we don't clean it up fast she get to it. She never eats her own.

      How do you get a dog from eating poop?

      How do you get a dog from eating poop? General Dog Discussions
    • My dogs eat poop too- they don't eat each other's poop, but they may eat other dogs' poop or deer poop, etc. It doesn't seem to hurt my dogs so I wouldn't worry about it, just keep trying to discourage it and make it hard for her to get to it.

    • There is this stuff you can ask your vet about, it is something to sprinkle on their food, so when they digest it, the poop tastes bad. It will not hurt the dog in anyway. Dogs eat other dog or cat poop because the animal doesn't digest the food entirely, so the poop still has some taste and smell of the dog or cat food.

    • 2 choices i see, spray the poop with something that tastes awful like that sour apple stuff people use on chairs, or use an electric collar."How do you get a dog from eating poop?" should be "How do you keep* a dog from eating poop?"Elsewise, you're trying to get a dog by.... eating poop...

    • My vet gave us this powder that is called Forbid. I think you can get it online through sprinkle some on the food, and it gives the poo a nasty taste..(at least i assume!) worked pretty good for our shih tzu's..but we still have to pick it up right away, or they think they are at a poo buffet. very gross...

    • This is a common problem with dogs. You can get some of this to sprinkle on both your dogs foods to discourage. You can also try talking to your vet about the issue:

    • you can buy Forbid at pet stores & put it in their food. a reason for it may be low quality food so it does not digest all the way..the fillers and fake stuff they put in it comes out the other end just the same as when they ate they think it tastes good. for that, you can just switch to a higher quality food.

    • You need to bring your dog (the poop eating one lol) to the vet. The vet will give you this powder to put on your dog's food. After eating this, the dog no longer wants to eat poo. I don't know how it works exactly, but i had the same problem with my dog and apparently it is very common. You gotta bring her to the vet thats all!

    • YUCCKK :(a dog is going to eat what it wants but the only way to try and prevent it is everytime you see the dog near the poop, scold her and tell her no and hopefully she will learn not to do it. also, praise her when she is outside and NOT eating the poop :)

    • It is usually because of a deficiency. I would change their diet, to a better quality food. There is also a poo eating deterent they sell. But it won't help the deficiency. You can call the vet and mention it. They may advise a vitamin supplement.

    • The reason she eats your other dogs poop is cause it is not fully digested by other dog...a better quality food will prevent the food from not fully being digested!! If you buy food from the grocery you should start going to a pet store, my dogs eat science diet! Dogs will eat poop that is not fully digested cause out in the wild it saves them!hope this helps!