What can I do to make my dog less jealous?

Last year we got a new pup to liven up the rest of our old lazy dogs. Whenever we tried to give the other dogs attention, she had to run up and stand in front of the dog until we gave our attention to her- now it is one year later. She is better about…

    What can I do to make my dog less jealous?

    Last year we got a new pup to liven up the rest of our old lazy dogs. Whenever we tried to give the other dogs attention, she had to run up and stand in front of the dog until we gave our attention to her- now it is one year later. She is better about…...
    Dogs Training Discussions : What can I do to make my dog less jealous?...

    • What can I do to make my dog less jealous?

      What can I do to make my dog less jealous? Dogs Training Discussions
      Last year we got a new pup to liven up the rest of our old lazy dogs. Whenever we tried to give the other dogs attention, she had to run up and stand in front of the dog until we gave our attention to her- now it is one year later. She is better about it, but we are still wary to not give the other dogs too much attention when she is around. What can we do to help her with her jealousy?

      What can I do to make my dog less jealous?

      What can I do to make my dog less jealous? Dogs Training Discussions
    • This is not uncommon for a young dog. I call this "Teenager syndrome". Young dogs, especially of certain breeds and personality types think the world should revolve around them and THEY are the only ones that deserve love and attention. Sort of a shelfishness....just like human teenagers have...Simply don't allow it. If you are giving attention to one of your other dogs and she butts in, tell her "no". If this doesn't stop her, remove her from the area. It is not acceptable behaviour and she will never grow out of it if you keep letting her act this way.

    • PUSH HER AWAY!!!!only pet her when YOU want to pet her!this isn't jealousy, it's dominance, and it's rude! she's trying to tell the other dogs "ha ha, i can butt in and get petted whenever i want, because i OWN the people!"so, next time she comes over to butt in while you're playing with the other dog, say NO!!!! and push her roughly, or remove her to somewhere else. make her wait in a SIT or a DOWN until you are ready to pet her. YOU are the master, not her!

    • Oh, you've pegged that behavior with the human term "jealousy"? How about looking at it like a dog and seeing that it is her way of taking control of the home? You are "wary" to go against her wishes? Sounds like trouble to me. It also explains very clearly who is in charge, and it ain't you. If you attempt to take control of this dominant b**** without a professional trainer's support, then you could get bit and she could take out her frustration on the other dogs. Get referrals to obedience trainers from your vet's office, local rescue groups, and pet feed/supply stores. Call around and find a trainer willing to work with a very dominant dog. I always prefer group classes so the opportunity to correct poor behavior presents itself often. Good luck.

    • giving your dogs the same amount of affection would be the answer, try to give that dog as much love and affection as possible, if your petting the other dog or whatever u do with it turn to the jealous dog and do the same. its very important to give your dogs the same amount of love, just think of it as humans, say there's a family who wants to adopt and the mother or father gives it more attention that other person is bound to feel jealous, the dogs would think of there homes as there territory and they dominate there spot so when another dog comes in the would feel disturbed by it especially if there owner is giving the other dog love