How do i convince my mom and dad to get a big fluffy dog?

Well here is the pets we have.4 guinea pigs2 cats1 small dog1 medium sized dog1 small turtleOk I know alot! But I feel we are missing another addition to our family. A big old lazy dog. I found a dog that is a spaniel mix on my local adoption website.…

    How do i convince my mom and dad to get a big fluffy dog?

    Well here is the pets we have.4 guinea pigs2 cats1 small dog1 medium sized dog1 small turtleOk I know alot! But I feel we are missing another addition to our family. A big old lazy dog. I found a dog that is a spaniel mix on my local adoption website.…...
    Dogs Training Discussions : How do i convince my mom and dad to get a big fluffy dog?...

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    • How do i convince my mom and dad to get a big fluffy dog?

      How do i convince my mom and dad to get a big fluffy dog? Dogs Training Discussions
      Well here is the pets we have.4 guinea pigs2 cats1 small dog1 medium sized dog1 small turtleOk I know alot! But I feel we are missing another addition to our family. A big old lazy dog. I found a dog that is a spaniel mix on my local adoption website. (My mom would be more willing to adopt). So any ideas on what I can do? Please help!

      How do i convince my mom and dad to get a big fluffy dog?

      How do i convince my mom and dad to get a big fluffy dog? Dogs Training Discussions
    • tell her that if you dont adopt that dog the poor dog will never find a owner and be stuck in a shelter with no love and no one to play with.make her feel really bad for the dog.