How to get my lazy Maltese to do something other than eat and sleep?

My Maltese is 7 months old, normally dogs like this are very active, I took him to the vet they said he is healthy. I don't know what to do with him. I take him outside he just stands and looks at me like what do u want me to do. I need help!

    How to get my lazy Maltese to do something other than eat and sleep?

    My Maltese is 7 months old, normally dogs like this are very active, I took him to the vet they said he is healthy. I don't know what to do with him. I take him outside he just stands and looks at me like what do u want me to do. I need help!...
    Dogs Training Discussions : How to get my lazy Maltese to do something other than eat and sleep?...

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    • How to get my lazy Maltese to do something other than eat and sleep?

      How to get my lazy Maltese to do something other than eat and sleep? Dogs Training Discussions
      My Maltese is 7 months old, normally dogs like this are very active, I took him to the vet they said he is healthy. I don't know what to do with him. I take him outside he just stands and looks at me like what do u want me to do. I need help!

      How to get my lazy Maltese to do something other than eat and sleep?

      How to get my lazy Maltese to do something other than eat and sleep? Dogs Training Discussions
    • did you recently get this dog? Is he fairly new to your home? If so he may just be shy or scared of you or the outside. Try to initiate playing with him with toys or running around so he could chase you. When he starts playing a little give him a small treat for his effort. Eventually he will connect playing with treat giving and he will start to play more (but dont give him too many treats because he will gain weight). give him some time and he will become more active, and also walk him at least 15-20 minutes twice a day.

    • I don't understand your complaint. You should be over joyed. Usually a maltese is a PITA bouncing all over the place and barking. You have a calm and laid back Maltese. Those are exceedingly rare. Be happy.

    • One of my friends who works at a shelter says that when some dogs come from puppy mills, or backyard breeders who aren't really doing what they should with puppies, they don't really learn the 'puppy playing' behaviour. It's kind of odd that your puppy is going through this at such a young age and is still completely healthy, but there must be something you can do to get him to liven up!Do you have lots of toys that he can play with? Maybe find a few toys that make sounds, and show him how to play with him. Throw the toy around, and squeek it. Run around with him.Also when you're outside, you could find an area where it is safe for him to run on a leash with you, and start running with him. It will show him what he's supposed to do, and help him be more energetic.Maybe you could seek the advice of a dog behaviourist as well. A lot of shelters have them on site now!