What is the best breed of dog for a child of 2-3 years?

I would like one that isn't aggressive but also not too high maintenance. I was thinking of a yellow lab or English <a href="https://dogencyclopedia.net/articles/entry/8-bulldog/?s=f3abdb01b46668f6ef3a4025f7a00d0a6aadfa47">Bulldog</a>. I'm afraid the <a href="https://dogencyclopedia.net/articles/entry/8-bulldog/?s=f3abdb01b46668f6ef3a4025f7a00d0a6aadfa47">Bulldog</a> is too lazy for a toddler. I don't know much about breeds so any help is appreciated.

    What is the best breed of dog for a child of 2-3 years?

    I would like one that isn't aggressive but also not too high maintenance. I was thinking of a yellow lab or English <a href="https://dogencyclopedia.net/articles/entry/8-bulldog/?s=f3abdb01b46668f6ef3a4025f7a00d0a6aadfa47">Bulldog</a>. I'm afraid the <a href="https://dogencyclopedia.net/articles/entry/8-bulldog/?s=f3abdb01b46668f6ef3a4025f7a00d0a6aadfa47">Bulldog</a> is too lazy for a toddler. I don't know much about breeds so any help is appreciated....
    Dogs Training Discussions : What is the best breed of dog for a child of 2-3 years?...

    • It really depends on your child. Is your child the kind of kid who will be gentle but able to defend himself when the cute little puppy starts mouthing,(read biting) him? An older dog well socialized with kids may be a good choice, but a well supervised puppy would be okay, too. As far as breeds go, you need to decide what you are willing to work with. How big, what amount of money are you willing to spend? how much monthly on food, toys,TIME, etc., what about grooming? Some dogs will cost 25 and up every few weeks just for grooming, unless you can do it yourself. My suggestion is to not be in a hurry, decide what you want in a dog, size, energy level, a lap dog who mostly lays around, or frisbee loving jogging partner or something like a boxer. Boxers are usually tolerant of well behaved children, even some not so well behaved, but as with all breeds have health issues to consider. Boston terriers are usually good with kids and are small, shorthaired friends, but they are subject to overheating, like the bulldog you mentioned. FYI Bulldogs are not lazy, some are quite destructive, they also have special needs. Reasearch your future dog companion thoroughly, as you will be making a 10 to 15 year commitment and it is not to be taken lightly. Dogs last longer than most marriages do...so, again choose wisely. Try not to get taken by the cute puppy at a pet shop, remember, this is a long commitment and a lot of work, socializing, training, etc. Another person suggested a toy poodle, the toy poodle is too fragile for very small children, their legs can break very easily. Another thing to keep in mind is that NO CHILD should be left alone with a dog until they are old enough to handle the dog and can be trusted with it. happy hunting

    • mutts all the way! haha but seriously when i was 5 and my younger sister was 3 we got a boxer-lab mix and i have never met a better dog in my life he was so easy to train and learned things almost by accident. now that we are older we have 5 dogs! 3 of whichh are mutts. of the inside 2 one is a chow/terrior/corgie/whatver else and she is abslutly a sweet heart, our other is a shih-tzu/terrior and she is also lovely...and i would recomend any combo of these small sweet dogs to anyone...the only thing about small dogs is they can be yippie sometimes and that can scare small children, maybe you should check for about a 1 year old small dog that has been with children, the shelter should be able to give you information like that. these are alsoo pretty low maintenance...all they want to do is play and be loved!

    • I'd suggest a mix. My parents have a half black lab half chow that's about 5 years old. Probably the single most cuddly, friendly, gentle, calm big black ball of fuzz you'll ever meet. She's absolutely great with kids, and knows not to be too rough. A highly intelligent dog as well, she learns very quickly.She's got the gentlest temperament you could ask for, will take the abuse (hair, ear, tail pulling, pinching and climbing) a 2 year old can dish out with no more than a look at the nearest adult to say 'get this kid off me,' or simply walking away.

    • Well Labs and Goldens are always a favorite but Im afraid that they wouldnt fit in with your family. They are very very active dogs and NEED to be trained, if not youll have a mess of a dog and a ton of problems later on, trust me Ive been training dogs for 7years they are just nutcases without training and I think would be too much for 2-3 year old children. As for Bulldogs they make great pets and contrary to popular belief are not lazy and sluggish. They are quite active and love to play but they arent crazy like Labs. I think a dog something like a Cocker Spaniel or a Greyhound would be great, neither of them are high maintenance dogs both are active but not hyperactive and none are known to be agressive breeds. Also try going to a local dog show and talk to some of the breeders there, they can give you lots of information on dog breeds and help you find the right breed for your family and lifestyle.

    • I would recomend a collie. My mom had a collie mix when I was growing up and he was the sweetest dog you would ever want. When my son turned 2 I bought a colllie. He was very good with my son, and my son could climb on him and hang on him. Of course my Aunt was the breeder I had gotten him from. My son and I ahd him for nine years. He has epilepsy. He was a really laid back dog a we loved him and we miss him. My son was heart broken for the longest time. My so is now 11 and in another couple of months we plan on getting him a new dog. I would recomend doing some research on the breeds you are interrested in and them search for a reputable breeder. Collies are also very easy to train. They are very into their family. Also when you talk to breeders, ask for their input on their puppies. They may recomend one of their puppies that would suit you for your situation.

    • i think you should get a doberman,bull mastiff or German shepherd. dobermans are very obsessed with children and therefore very protective of them. if you would like to find out more about the doberman check this site: http://members.aol.com/mfp0864/lovedobermans2.html.bull mastiffs go well with children and do not permit any strangers entering your house it has a tendency to sit in-front of a stranger blocking their entrance to your premises.German shepherds are friendly towards children,love to play with them,when a stranger approaches a child in the home the German shepherd runs between the stranger and the children therefore protecting the child and posing a threat to the stranger.