Is it possible to make your own dog training spray?

Is it possible to make your own dog training spray that doesn't include chemicals?I would like a natural spray that I can use that will repel him from furnature and clothes. Would lemons work without harming the dog?

    Is it possible to make your own dog training spray?

    Is it possible to make your own dog training spray that doesn't include chemicals?I would like a natural spray that I can use that will repel him from furnature and clothes. Would lemons work without harming the dog?...
    Dogs Training Discussions : Is it possible to make your own dog training spray?...

    • Is it possible to make your own dog training spray?

      Is it possible to make your own dog training spray? Dogs Training Discussions
      Is it possible to make your own dog training spray that doesn't include chemicals?I would like a natural spray that I can use that will repel him from furnature and clothes. Would lemons work without harming the dog?

      Is it possible to make your own dog training spray?

      Is it possible to make your own dog training spray? Dogs Training Discussions
    • repel him from furniture?? do you mean he is eating your furniture? or he pees on your furniture?? or he sleeps on your furniture?for all of the above,,,,, simple training (not spraying) will work..spraying is ridiculous

    • yes, use hot peppers. either liquefy them in a water mixture in the blender, or boil them like a tea. it'll be spicy, but not chemicly harmful. I've heard that apple bitters can be picked up at pet stores, and is a chemical free colorless solution to your problem.

    • Lemons might work but Bitter Apple spray from Vets and some pet stores definitely does and doesn't include chemicals, but is expensive at £10 a bottle. Trained my dog off the furniture and to stop bad behaviour indoors and now only have to pick up the bottle to get a reaction. It doesn't matter if it gets on the dog (in fact can be used for excessive fur biting that some dogs do) but avoid eyes (obviously).Hope this info helps. Incidentally, my dog likes the smell of lemons.

    • The only spray I recommend is a plain water spray in a bottle that has a stream setting. Spray the dog when it is doing something you do not want it to do, but follow it up with a stern "no". The best thing to do is to physically remove the animal from the situation. At no time should you use pepper or lemon or vinegar. Not only could you harm your dog, but you are setting yourself up for a bug infestation. Plain water only!

    • yes its possible mix vineagr with some dry pepper and it will work ....but i dont reccomend using training sprays at all because if you forgot to spray an item, go to a new place, purchasing a new item or even if the smell of the spray differs the dog will do it again.try to teach your dog a NO command this will save your money and time regardless the smell of the spray at your home...hope i GOT you Wright