Where is the best place to get dog training certification?

Are there dog training certification specific schools?

    Where is the best place to get dog training certification?

    Are there dog training certification specific schools?...
    Dogs Training Discussions : Where is the best place to get dog training certification?...

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    • Where is the best place to get dog training certification?

      Where is the best place to get dog training certification? Dogs Training Discussions
      Are there dog training certification specific schools?

      Where is the best place to get dog training certification?

      Where is the best place to get dog training certification? Dogs Training Discussions
    • Nowhere.There are NONE! You might as well ask about those,"You too can be an artist" scams on matchbooks!REAL trainers PROVE their expertise by the dogs they've TITLED! & ... the dogs their students have titled!

    • are you talking about you being a certified dog trainer?...that i know of.. there are no Colleges and Uni's that offer specificly this.. you can search the internet for any professional dog trainers who teach people how to train dogs.. that i know of.

    • The officail way to get a dog training certification is from the APDT Board of Directors recognizes certain organizations which give out dog training certification.Read more here:http://dogtrainingdogcare.blogspot.com/2009/05/dog-training-certification.html