How do you spend time with your dog besides walks?

Do you play any games with him/her?or does your dog play by him/herself? or does your dog sleep all day?

    How do you spend time with your dog besides walks?

    Do you play any games with him/her?or does your dog play by him/herself? or does your dog sleep all day?...
    Dogs Training Discussions : How do you spend time with your dog besides walks?...

    • How do you spend time with your dog besides walks?

      How do you spend time with your dog besides walks? Dogs Training Discussions
      Do you play any games with him/her?or does your dog play by him/herself? or does your dog sleep all day?

      How do you spend time with your dog besides walks?

      How do you spend time with your dog besides walks? Dogs Training Discussions
    • I'm with my dog a lot of the time.Mostly he sleeps during the day, until about 2pm. Then he lazes about for a bit.In the evening he is most active and when we have the most playtime. He loves his tennis balls and rope toys, and he also loves the 'find it' game, which is where i hide little dog treats around the house and then let him go find them.He mostly enjoys nighttime walks because of all the foxes and badgers, i think!

    • 5+ 15 minute walks for bathroom break through the day, a 1 hour hike and swim at the lake everyday, 1 hour at my local dog park with all the neighborhood dogs everyday, 20 minutes of training everyday (gotta keep up with it even if they know everything) 20 min of fetch with a ball in a nearby field everyday then a 30 min run before bed every night. Seems like much more than enough but my dogs have crazy amounts of energy. And throughout the day my dogs play together, I have 2 now and soon 3. Also tug of war in the house, and other than all that they usually just chew on bones, sleep or cuddle up with me.

    • Dogs do not like to laze around all day, or at least most. Give it a problem to solve. Here's one :Take an old towel, a bath towel works best. Holding the shorter end of the towel, roll it up (like how you would roll up a sleeping bag) , inserting a few treats as you go. To have your dog get the idea of it, you could try having a small treat poking out of the towel, or have just a small portion of it unrolled. Place that treat under the huge rolled part, wedged in between the towel resting on the floor and the rolled up part. Have your dog sniff it, then place it on the ground. It should be able to poke it's nose around to unroll the towel to find the treats. Simple problem solving.You can also try to play "Find" with your dog. Have someone hold your dog or place him in another room while you do this, preferably without him looking at you. Hide a few treats and toys around the room/garden (garden works best, for the dog has to scavenge between weeds etc) . Call your dog over, and let him sniff one treat. Then toss the treat and let him find it. If another treat is near, he should be able to pick up the scent quite well and get the hang of the game.Problem solving games make your dog more positively confident in itself.Playing a great game of fetch , giving him a good brushing , or maybe have him find you as you hide behind the huge sofa, can be good ways to bond with your dog. Introducing him to new places during walks also helps him to be friendlier.

    • Out most of the day with them, but when at home leave all the doors open and they just wander in and out of house, and do what they like.They don't bark or ever leave garden, so i don't mind them being outside alone.If they want toys out they just have to come and let me know.They are normally to tired to do anything else. They get to play with each other and friends dogs during day on walks.