Should I buy my dog a muzzle when taking her to the dog beach?

My new dog played with our neighbor's dog a few months ago, but she hasn't socialized with a dog since (as in one on one). Last week, so started to bark at a dog, and nipped my cousin's dog's butt, but did not injure him. I want my new dog to socialize…

    Should I buy my dog a muzzle when taking her to the dog beach?

    My new dog played with our neighbor's dog a few months ago, but she hasn't socialized with a dog since (as in one on one). Last week, so started to bark at a dog, and nipped my cousin's dog's butt, but did not injure him. I want my new dog to socialize…...
    Dogs Training Discussions : Should I buy my dog a muzzle when taking her to the dog beach?...

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    • Should I buy my dog a muzzle when taking her to the dog beach?

      Should I buy my dog a muzzle when taking her to the dog beach? Dogs Training Discussions
      My new dog played with our neighbor's dog a few months ago, but she hasn't socialized with a dog since (as in one on one). Last week, so started to bark at a dog, and nipped my cousin's dog's butt, but did not injure him. I want my new dog to socialize with other dogs, without the other dog being at risk, so should I get her a muzzle while at the dog beach? And if so, what is the best place to get one?thank you!

      Should I buy my dog a muzzle when taking her to the dog beach?

      Should I buy my dog a muzzle when taking her to the dog beach? Dogs Training Discussions
    • No, you should train your dog to be NEUTRAL to all other dogs. There is no reason why a dog has to even look at other dogs, you are humanizing your animal and giving it your own emotional needs...dogs don't have any of these. In the wild, dogs do not go visit other dogs and play, they often kill other dogs for space, food, etc. Train it to look at YOU as the source of all things...its all you will ever need.Hope I helped.

    • No, don't use the muzzle. This will put her in a position where she feels vulnerable and leave her even more guarded around other dogs. I wouldn't take your dog to public dog places(the beach, dog park, etc) just yet as those places are usually meant for well socialized dogs and it will be overwhelming for her. From what just said it doesn't sound like she showed any signs of aggression to your cousin's dog (a nip on the but is usually just play). I would introduce to one well socialized dog at a time just like you did with your cousin's dog. Make sure the other person is aware that your dog is not well socialized and has agreed to do this. Closely supervise the play and watch for any signs of aggression. If she exhibits any signs of aggression then stop introducing her to other dogs and consult a trainer to help you socialize her. Also beware for nipping of ears and legs. These are not signs of aggression, but they are unacceptable forms of play. Is she does this gently grab your dog by the scruff of the neck and in a firm, but not mean voice, say gentle (this sounds mean, but it is not if you do it firmly but with a minimal amount of force as you are not wanting to hurt the dog. I hope that makes sense.)Other dogs may actually correct her for you by letting her know when she is getting too ruff. Good Luck!

    • you should walk your dog with your neighbours dog as they seem to get along ... you do not bring an aggressive dog to a dog park/beach with a muzzle, you would just cause a huge dog fight ... it is your dogs energy that would set off the fight and the muzzle would make no difference ... your dog does not need doggie friends ... it does need to not attack other dogs ... and that can be accomplished by you ignoring other dogs on walks and ignoring your dogs behavior and just keep walking ... but do not bring your dog to a dog park/beach, that is for socialized dogs and it is not where you take a dog to socialize it ... you could do training classes with your dog, that helps to socialize them to other dogs in a safe environment ...