How can I teach my dog to play?

We have this Cockapoo, cockerspaniel and a poodle mix. He is 2 years old. He loves to run around and play but not with toys or anything else. i have a rope tennisballs bones and tons of toys for him but he just wont seem to play with anything. i throw…

    How can I teach my dog to play?

    We have this Cockapoo, cockerspaniel and a poodle mix. He is 2 years old. He loves to run around and play but not with toys or anything else. i have a rope tennisballs bones and tons of toys for him but he just wont seem to play with anything. i throw…...
    Dogs Training Discussions : How can I teach my dog to play?...

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    • How can I teach my dog to play?

      How can I teach my dog to play? Dogs Training Discussions
      We have this Cockapoo, cockerspaniel and a poodle mix. He is 2 years old. He loves to run around and play but not with toys or anything else. i have a rope tennisballs bones and tons of toys for him but he just wont seem to play with anything. i throw something out, you know, to play fetch, and he just ignores it. Please help me. I really want my dog to play with his toys. He will only chew on flavored bones but nothing else. thankyou!

      How can I teach my dog to play?

      How can I teach my dog to play? Dogs Training Discussions
    • You haven't bought the right toy yet.. Maybe he isn't a dog that wants to play.. maybe he gets his fun from learning something.. Maybe he would have more fun if you did agility with him or something like that.. Not all dogs like toys necessarily.. Some like to do stuff, keep busy.. Get tired.. accomplish something..

    • Why don't you try a small kong toy, and fill it with treats. The dog will have fun getting the treats out of the center and play at the same time. You can find them at PetSmart.