How do i teach my dog to play frisbee?

Im trying to teach my dog to play frisbee but she wont even pick the frisbee up. I dont think shes scared of it but when i throw it she wont even chase it. And i know she know how to play fetch because i do that all the time with a tennis ball. So how…

    How do i teach my dog to play frisbee?

    Im trying to teach my dog to play frisbee but she wont even pick the frisbee up. I dont think shes scared of it but when i throw it she wont even chase it. And i know she know how to play fetch because i do that all the time with a tennis ball. So how…...
    Dogs Training Discussions : How do i teach my dog to play frisbee?...

    • How do i teach my dog to play frisbee?

      How do i teach my dog to play frisbee? Dogs Training Discussions
      Im trying to teach my dog to play frisbee but she wont even pick the frisbee up. I dont think shes scared of it but when i throw it she wont even chase it. And i know she know how to play fetch because i do that all the time with a tennis ball. So how can i get her to learn how to play frisbee???

      How do i teach my dog to play frisbee?

      How do i teach my dog to play frisbee? Dogs Training Discussions
    • -Keep at it. Throw it, and get it. She'll figure it out. You cold also put a treat on it when you show it to her. throw it, then go put a treat on it when you call her over. She will think the treat stayed with the frisbee. Sometimes, they simply do not like to play with things we think they should too!

    • It's entirely possible that she won't - very few dogs actually will catch a Frisbee, or can effectively - it is a genetic trait, and many dogs will neither ctah or retrieve - just want you to know in case the above training doesn't work.

    • Are you using a cloth frisbee?? Most dogs like the cloth frisbees better & they are easier for them to pick up. If she likes to tug, you can tug with her some with a cloth frisbee to get her excited about it too. Does she like squeaky toys? There are different kinds of frisbees that have a squeaker she may like. And there are frisbees that have a velro pocket in them that you can put food into. Some of these might get her more interested. Look at the pet stores & dog supply catalogs & websites. Oh another way would be if there's another dog that loves to play frisbee, let her play along too. Sometimes when they see another dog do it or play with another dog they get more interested. A game of frisbee can be fun. Good Luck.