I want a dog that gets really big like a soft coated wheaten terrier?
I also don't want a dog that sheds but is shaggy like a wheaten terrier. The wheaten terrier gets to be about 40lbs but I want a dog that will get about 70lbs. Do any of you know of a breed like that? Thanks!
I want a dog that gets really big like a soft coated wheaten terrier?
I also don't want a dog that sheds but is shaggy like a wheaten terrier. The wheaten terrier gets to be about 40lbs but I want a dog that will get about 70lbs. Do any of you know of a breed like that? Thanks!... Dog Breed Discussions : I want a dog that gets really big like a soft coated wheaten terrier?...
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I want a dog that gets really big like a soft coated wheaten terrier?
I want a dog that gets really big like a soft coated wheaten terrier?Dog Breed Discussions
I also don't want a dog that sheds but is shaggy like a wheaten terrier. The wheaten terrier gets to be about 40lbs but I want a dog that will get about 70lbs. Do any of you know of a breed like that? Thanks!
I want a dog that gets really big like a soft coated wheaten terrier?
I want a dog that gets really big like a soft coated wheaten terrier?Dog Breed Discussions
Irish wolfhound. They are huge! You probably saw one as the "dog version" of Sirius Black in the Harry Potter movies. But be warned, they are way over 70 lbs!Go here for a pic:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Irish_Wolfhoundotherwise look for an airedale. Go here:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Airedale_Terrieryou have to keep it trimmed though.ooh, the Bouvier is a good idea, but you need to be ready to train, train, train! They have very strong personalities.
Airedale Terriers, Kerry Blue Terriers, Giant Schnauzers, Bouvier de Flandres, all good breeds to look into. The Bouvier might be bigger than 70 lbs though. Most terrier breeds don't shed, so that's a great thing! They do require a lot of grooming though, so be forewarned.
Seems strange to pick a breed based on weight... maybe that's just me.In response to:This has nothing to do with your question but on one of my questions you answered:"Seems strange to pick a breed based on weight... maybe that's just me"My response is that it's probably just you. People pick certain dogs because of their breeds, how is that any different? Some people want small dogs because of their living situations, is that weird? Me wanting a big dog is no different, how is that strange?Are you serious? I answered your question with MY OPINION, there is nothing wrong with that. So you don't like it, oh well, ignore it.But thanks so much for wasting my time with my question. There was no need to track me down, the "Thumbs Down" gets your point across just fine.
You can't have both. Either the dog will shed all over the house or it will have short hair. Most large working breeds that have long hair (like golden retrievers, irish setters, spaniels, etc.) will have an undercoat and will blow it out every spring. The wheaten terrier is an adorable little dog, as long as its owner is faithful about keeping the hair around its eyes clipped. I feel so sorry for them when their hair is hanging in their eyes and they can't see!
Aieradale (spelling?) terriers are like that. I, however, would not recommend a wheaten terrier... I've had two in my life both of which have been aggressive. I still have one and 2 other dogs (shepherds)...and they are not aggressive so its not in the way they are raised. But my best friend has an a-terrier...he's huge but sweet and very smart.
well if you'd like i suggest a rottwieler. they really aren't bad dogs. people say that cuzthe people do't treat them right. if i could id get on (also a huskey but they shed).
Look into a crossbreed like a labradoodle, goldendoodle, or Australian labradoodle.You can look up information about these dogs on www.IDOG.biz -- they are adorable!!