Does anyone have a pomeranian that acts like a ferret?

She's 6 months old and she collects little "treasures" like dog bones, paper, chew sticks, socks, and other small items and takes them and puts them in her secret hiding place, which i found in search of my flip flops that were missing. She "digs" holes…

    Does anyone have a pomeranian that acts like a ferret?

    She's 6 months old and she collects little "treasures" like dog bones, paper, chew sticks, socks, and other small items and takes them and puts them in her secret hiding place, which i found in search of my flip flops that were missing. She "digs" holes…...
    General Dog Discussions : Does anyone have a pomeranian that acts like a ferret?...

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    • Does anyone have a pomeranian that acts like a ferret?

      Does anyone have a pomeranian that acts like a ferret? General Dog Discussions
      She's 6 months old and she collects little "treasures" like dog bones, paper, chew sticks, socks, and other small items and takes them and puts them in her secret hiding place, which i found in search of my flip flops that were missing. She "digs" holes in the bed and couch to bury her treasures and comes back at later times to collect them. It's hilarious but I was just wondering if all small pomeranians act like this or is mine half ferret half dog.

      Does anyone have a pomeranian that acts like a ferret?

      Does anyone have a pomeranian that acts like a ferret? General Dog Discussions
    • I have 3 Pomeranians and they are all funny in their own ways. The middle one has a habit of trying to hide bones, chews, dog food, anything edible. He has to hide them before he will consider eating them and this sometimes involves him trying to bury them under my legs or bum while I am sitting on my recliner chair. He tries to cover them over using his nose rather than his paws, how he still has skin on his nose I'll never know. After about 5 - 10 minutes he will decide to eat it before any of the others get it. I find things hidden in my bed, shoes, under cushions and furniture, all sorts of places. The baby Pom like socks and undies which you just catch out of the side of your eye moving slowly across the floor. She also likes to hide balls inside my shoes so I have to check before I put them on. Both baby and her mum, my eldest Pom will take your socks off your feet and hide them, not caring if they nip your toes in the process. They are all wonderful and I love them to bits, wouldn't have them any other way. Great.

    • I don't have a Pom, but my Westie/Maltese puppy is SO like a ferret! When I was reading up on ferrets before I got mine, I kept reading descriptions of their personality traits and thinking, "Wow, it's Skorgee! My puppy is a ferret in disguise!"Now that I have my two lovely ferrets, the puppy plays with them the same way they play with each other.=)