Can i feed my Dog with Chicken Bones?

Can i feed my Dog with Chicken bones as it is bad for Humans .... and can i feed it with bread and milk? which is the healthiest food for Dogs?

    Can i feed my Dog with Chicken Bones?

    Can i feed my Dog with Chicken bones as it is bad for Humans .... and can i feed it with bread and milk? which is the healthiest food for Dogs?...
    General Dog Discussions : Can i feed my Dog with Chicken Bones?...

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    • NO! Poultry bones, and others for that matter, can splinter & puncture stomach or intestines. They are not good for dogs. Dogs have nutritional needs just like people but are different needs so feeding them people food is not good for them - much like you wouldn't thrive on dog food. Break down and buy the pooch his own food!

    • NO NO NO and NO again!!!! Chicken bones tend to splinter much easier than any other bone. Any bone is bad for dogs, but chicken bones are the worst. They splinter and get caught in the throat. I've seen it happen and it's pitiful, painful, and a trip to the vet needed in most cases.

    • Don't feed your dog chicken or pork chop bones, they will splinter and could get caught in the dogs throat. As far as what is the healthiest food for your dog, it depends on the breed and the nutritional needs your dog has.

    • NO CHICKEN BONES. They can cause splinters in the dogs throat. No bread asnd milk either milk is horrible for them and carbs will just bulk them up on fattiness. How about just dog food. Merrick brand is a good choice. If you would like to cook for your dog then steak,peas,and carrots are good.

    • NO. he may be at risk for an impacted bowel and other internal bleeding issues. Those Chicken bones break up like sharp little spears and can give him a lot of trouble.Yes, I know when they lived in the wild they ate birds but just like humans our internal organs have evolved and we live longer by eating the right things now.When youbuy dry dog food or wet check the ingresients and make sure its no loaded with Corn meal or Corn by products. Rice and Lamb is the best.

    • A frequently asked question has to do with the safety of giving bones to dogs. You run a risk giving real animal bones to your pet. Chicken bones are a big No-No because they are small and sharp. They get caught in the mouth and can puncture the intestines. The problem with larger bones is that as the dog breaks off and eats small chips, these can build up in small turns of the intestines and cause a blockage. Raw bones have bacteria that may result in an infection. Signs of trouble after eating bones include pawing at the mouth, vomiting and diarrhea. Call your Vet. If you must give a bone, use a large cooked bone and take it away as soon as you hear pieces being cracked off. Commercially made dog bones are usually safe. Animal hoofs and ears run the risk of infection if they were not properly sterilized. Rawhides are safe as long as your dog isn't gobbling them up in a few minutes. If eaten too fast, the larger pieces may swell up in the GI tract and cause discomfort and even an obstruction. Biscuit type treats are fine... just don't get carried away since not all of these are nutritionally balanced or low calorie! Having a good chew is entertaining for you dog and good for his gums and teeth. So be careful what you chose to give him and you'll both be happy.

    • no, could splinter & cut the inside of throat. And, Chicken bones can choke him. Bread and milk will sustain him but are not good for him. Ever heard of water and dry dog food?

    • No you cant feed animals chicken bones because they could choke the animal unlike the bones that are made for animals..... and yes you can feed your dog bread and milk but why go to the pet store and buy your dog dog food like ur suppost to!!

    • I use to make my own dog food. I cut up three chickens and cooked them till they fall apart and the bones were soft and most of the water was cooked away. I then ran the bones thur a grinder took what was left of the broth put brown rice and wheat grem in it and cook till it was like a paste, mixed the two together and fed it to my dogs. It would last teo days or a week according to the size of the dog.

    • I say yes but not cooked only raw and only a small part like the wing. my dog use to eat them all the time. When I first got her the breeders said raw chicken bones are good. but cooked bones may splinter and do harm. I also have heard a vet say this is good for the dogs as long as it is raw.