Why does my dog chew on her legs?

My dog constantly chews on her legs. Why does she continue to do this? Is there anything we can do to get her to stop?

    Why does my dog chew on her legs?

    My dog constantly chews on her legs. Why does she continue to do this? Is there anything we can do to get her to stop?...
    General Dog Discussions : Why does my dog chew on her legs?...

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    • Why does my dog chew on her legs?

      Why does my dog chew on her legs? General Dog Discussions
      My dog constantly chews on her legs. Why does she continue to do this? Is there anything we can do to get her to stop?

      Why does my dog chew on her legs?

      Why does my dog chew on her legs? General Dog Discussions
    • First you have to find the problem. It could be allergies OR fleas.Fleas can be very difficult to see. If you arent keeping her on a good flea preventative such as Advantage or frontline....she probably has fleas. Even if your not seeing them easily.Allergies could certainly be another cause.It could very well be her food that she is eating.If your sure there are no fleas, try switching over to a good holistic dog food. Give it about a month of nothing except that food and see if it stops.You may be VERY suprised!My dogs had terrible allergies, but after a month of good holistic food their allergies are basically gone.Hope this helps!***ADDED****For the person below..."butterflychamp"Allergies in dogs do not only make them scratch and chew their feet.Heres a link for you to check out:

    • Maybe something is irritating the skin. If it's serious enough, you might need to put a cone on it's collar so it won't be able to. just check this with your vet first. im no pro but i've seen some of these problems before.

    • could be allergies this time of year or that she is bored. Get some bitter apple spray and spray her paws . It will make them less tasty for her and hopefully she will stop, I'd still get her into the vets to check for allergies.

    • Probably because she is itchy! Thats the main reasons dog chew on themselves. First you should see if she has a skin disorder that is making her itchy. If it is nothing and she is just a muncher, you can buy stuff at petstores to stop dogs from chewing. Its a bitter tasting spray that you mist on whatever you want her to stop chewing.

    • hrmm..... have you talked to your dogs veternarian about the issue? they could problly help you figure out whats going on with your dog. my best guess would be fleez.

    • "chicken legs" lolz sorry haha maybe shes hungry? or like u know when they keep following their tail? i heard u can put something like what other dog owners use on furnitue to stop dogs from biting them. probably an icky tasting solution of some sort

    • Hi, my sister is a vet and she told me of a very rare disease that dogs can get called Legbitearioutous. Dogs commonly do this when their a full grown dog. Dogs can't die from this but they ca get their flesh ripped of

    • Sometimes this behavior becomes compulsive and they can't stop even though there is no physical problem. This can lead to wounds called lick granulomas.My Golden mix is currently recovering from one. The vet put her on a 10 day cycle of antibiotics and she's wearing an E-collar (one of those plastic collars that keep them from being able to lick/chew on their legs or belly). She has been wearing this for about 2 weeks and the wound is almost gone.

    • My dog also chews on her back legs sometimes. Not the skin on her legs, she puts her leg in her mouth as if it was a chew toy. I found out she was doing this because she was bored. After i take her out to go for a walk, or run and chase the ball she doesn't do it anymore. That could be a reason why she does it. Does she get enough exercise? Does she have her own chew toys?If she is chewing on her skin, this could be a number of things. It could be an allergy to something. Either inhaled allergies (those kind of allergies show up as itchy skin in dogs, unlike Upper Respiratory symptoms as in humans), or an allergy in something on your carpet, or on your lawn. It could be itchy from fleas or mites, or this is also sometimes due to boredom. If more exercise and stimulation doesn't help, I would suggest taking her to the vet and see what they think. Good luck!

    • There could be a few causes. If your dog does not get enough exercise, or does not have enough to keep her occupied when she is just sitting around the house (filled bones, etc.), she might chew herself out of boredom. If there have been or are going to be big changes in her surroundings or routine, she may be chewing out of anxiety. Or, it could be another reason entirely. Have you tried putting bitter apple spray on her legs? Rather than spray it right on, maybe put it on a cloth and wipe her legs down with it. It tastes awful and is made specifically to stop pets from chewing on things. People usually use it for furniture, but I don’t see why it wouldn’t work on your dog. Or you could find a bone she really loves. Try different types and flavors until you land on one she’s just crazy about. Every time she starts chewing her legs, give her the bone. Sometimes dogs just need to be redirected to the right thing for them to stop doing the wrong thing.Some dogs will develop hot spots if they chew too much. They are wet, red sores, and they seem to make dogs want to chew even more. They make spray and cream to heal them. If your dog is developing these at all, please pick some up at a pet store.Good luck. I'm sure your dog is even more frustrated that you are.

    • Could be dry skin or "Hot spots". Try adding a powdered supplement for skin health along with some olive oil to the food. If you have to try brewers yeast but it hurts some dogs stomachs.

    • Bath her with Dawn dishwashing soap about 2-3 times in a week. Suds her up real good, especially her legs. If it's fleas it will kill them on contact and help with the itching. If it's some kind of mange or allergies, it should stop the itching with several applications then you can go to 1 bath a week so the skin doesn't get too dry.