What type of chicken bones should my puppy be eating?

I've been advised that it's healthy for my dog to be eating chicken bones, but what kind? Cooked or uncooked? Some people have been telling me to be feeding it cooked, yet some other people tell me to feed it uncooked chicken bones. I don't know which…

    What type of chicken bones should my puppy be eating?

    I've been advised that it's healthy for my dog to be eating chicken bones, but what kind? Cooked or uncooked? Some people have been telling me to be feeding it cooked, yet some other people tell me to feed it uncooked chicken bones. I don't know which…...
    General Dog Discussions : What type of chicken bones should my puppy be eating?...

    • What type of chicken bones should my puppy be eating?

      What type of chicken bones should my puppy be eating? General Dog Discussions
      I've been advised that it's healthy for my dog to be eating chicken bones, but what kind? Cooked or uncooked? Some people have been telling me to be feeding it cooked, yet some other people tell me to feed it uncooked chicken bones. I don't know which kind! My parents tell me it's vital for my dog to be eating chicken bones, as it provides lots of nutrients, and believe me, they're quite stubborn and refuse to not feed it chicken bones. Help!? Cooked or uncooked?

      What type of chicken bones should my puppy be eating?

      What type of chicken bones should my puppy be eating? General Dog Discussions
    • Uncooked - raw. Cooked bones are brittle and splinter and can cause serious problems.http://www.barfworld.com/html/barf_diet/barfdiet_specific.shtmlhttp://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=AphZs.54AgUCmFlg.yBJzYcjzKIX;_ylv=3?qid=20070309142804AAlPMGuhttp://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=AgoN1wzCkNdG87ao5KPZ694jzKIX;_ylv=3?qid=20070930225526AAjPV4uADD:Lil Mizz Pinki: STOP lying! You are NOT a vet! If you were you would at least know about hamster mating and how to identify wet tail!http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=Alr5PqQP_cLds_GeLB1kDJ7ty6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20080329105633AAIAK0kLOL - a vet for 13 years and you are only 12 years old!http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=ArJk.QvovCrRWH5YYOtteofsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20080330025853AAyLkTZ

    • NONE AT ALL!!!! chicken bones and other small animal bones splinter and can cause the dog to choke!! if he swallows the splinters it could rip holes in his digestive organs!!!DO NOT GIVE HIM CHICKEN BONES!!!!!!!!!

    • Chicken bones can be dangerous for a puppy or any dog. the bones are so small that they can become lodged in the throat and can be so sharp as to puncture it as well. Be extremely careful about that!

    • I think its best to not feed them chicken bones at all, because they can get chocked on them. Chicken leg bones are the worst because they splinter when chewed.

    • um... i would say cooked as the bones would be softer, I'm assuming that you have a big dog because i wouldn't suggest feeding ur dog chicken bones if he was a chihuahua or something just as small

    • You really shouldn't feed your dog chicken bones at all. Like the above post said, they can easily splinter and can cause internal trauma including going through the stomach, which will kill your puppy because all of the acid in the stomach will start to leak out and it can not be fixed.It just isn't a good risk to take.

    • None! Chicken bones are small and splinter easily. They can get lodged in your dogs throat. I thought it was okay to give my dogs bones, too. My vet warned me against it. Dogs should get their nutrients from food appropriate for them. You can buy bones that are flavored and that are specific for your dog.

    • NO cooked bones. Only RAW.If yoo want to feed the puppy chicken make sure its only the raw Wing. Anything else is brittle and can break off and lodge in the puppy's throat!Also ham bones are bad for yoor dog. Cooked or raw never feed him/her these.Yes yoor parents r right. Bones are good for giving yoor puppy nutrients so feed him all yoor scraps before cooking them =] Good Luck

    • Some one is fibbing to you. Chicken bones are the worst. they are thin and splinter easily..that;s bad for your pup.If you use a non grocery store brand dog food your pup will get all the nutrients he needs. Ask your parents to show you in writing rather than "We just know" and check with your vet.Makes a difference as to the type. Give a chicken bone to a Lab and zip, it's gone. Give the same bone to a smaller dog and you could have problems.I think you are just asking for trouble.It is not "vital" I have been a dog owner for years. I'm 62 and raised many dogs and never have I fed them chicken bones.Now I supplement with cooked chicken cause dogs do need meat but bones?. nope

    • chicken bones do not make your dog healthier, i would now because i am a vet and i am having to remove bones from dogs mouths and stomachs every week at my pratice, cook or uncooked your dog will choke and may even die because of his young age do not feed him them. if you want to give him a bone go buy a big one from your nearest pet store tell your parents that if the feed your dog chicken bones it will choke and could die hop i could help x

    • my grandfather feeds his dog chicken,but he boils it first! so i would say cooked.although he does not feed the bones just boiled chicken!that dog is very small if that makes a difference?the dog just goes crazy for the chicken. it is hilarious!!!! he says no chicken bones for any dog!!!!

    • Raw chicken bones are safe for a puppy. They do not splinter and are easily digested and pliable.My dog has been eating them since he was 8 weeks old and eats them to this day. Raw chicken bones are a great way to get minerals and to strengthen their digestive system.A healthy digestive system will dissolve raw chicken bones in around an hour.My vet is also a nutritionist and she gets everyone into raw feeding their dogs and cats. I started on raw chicken wings and necks. I supervised at first until I was confident he was O.K with them. Your parents are correct. And remember to make any changes to the diet gradual until your pup is used to eating them.Good Luck!Add On; Read the first article on here, shes a vet with over 25 years experience.http://www.claremiddle.com/articles/article4.htm