Most likely my dog has cushings disease. Are there any home remedies that can help?

My dog hasn't been diagnosed with cushings yet, but the vet thinks he has it and it's too early to be seen on a test. I've done research and agree. All the signs point to cushings. Is there anything I can do to help him while I am "waiting" for this…

    Most likely my dog has cushings disease. Are there any home remedies that can help?

    My dog hasn't been diagnosed with cushings yet, but the vet thinks he has it and it's too early to be seen on a test. I've done research and agree. All the signs point to cushings. Is there anything I can do to help him while I am "waiting" for this…...
    General Dog Discussions : Most likely my dog has cushings disease. Are there any home remedies that can help?...

    • Most likely my dog has cushings disease. Are there any home remedies that can help?

      Most likely my dog has cushings disease. Are there any home remedies that can help? General Dog Discussions
      My dog hasn't been diagnosed with cushings yet, but the vet thinks he has it and it's too early to be seen on a test. I've done research and agree. All the signs point to cushings. Is there anything I can do to help him while I am "waiting" for this disease to progress and show up on test results?Any opinions on PetAlive's Cushex? It is a holistic, all natural, "remedy" for cushings.

      Most likely my dog has cushings disease. Are there any home remedies that can help?

      Most likely my dog has cushings disease. Are there any home remedies that can help? General Dog Discussions
    • Not really,,Even when diagnosed treatment for cushings often worse than the diease,, so not treated,, on a side note sex hormone secreation,, is a issue sometimes confused with cushing(early) melatonin supplemtation helps sometimes with this condition.. need a specific dosage,, but is a reasonably safe thing to try,, as the vet,, Nutrition,, A diet that supports, is developed for kidney/liver and cardiac issues would not be a bad idea..Low sodium diet, can help, because fluid retention and hypertention and liver function issues,, are problems with cushings.. Milk thistle again need dosage from vet,, may also be helpfull or not but like melatonin is a safe supplement.Best idea,, get the ACTH test done,, get a definitive diagnosis even in early stages this particular test is generally diagnostic,, although expensive,, Other signs,, increase in ALKP, bright liver on ultrasound,, and or enlarged adrenal glands on ultrasound, coat changes pot belly, PU/PD drinking peeing a lot more are all suggestive,, even a low dose dexamethazone test is not conlusive in all cases,, so just go with the ACTH STIM test,, Amanda

    • Go to Barnes & Noble and find the book "The Nature of Animal Healing" by Paul Goldstein, DMV. It covers diets and natural remedies. It has a section on cushings.