Will my dog grow out of getting car sickness?

My 7 month old chiweenie gets sick in the car on trips. She will start drooling a lot and then eventually puke. I was just wondering if she would grow out of it or if I should get a sitter for road trips. Is there a better way to travel with a sensitive…

    Will my dog grow out of getting car sickness?

    My 7 month old chiweenie gets sick in the car on trips. She will start drooling a lot and then eventually puke. I was just wondering if she would grow out of it or if I should get a sitter for road trips. Is there a better way to travel with a sensitive…...
    General Dog Discussions : Will my dog grow out of getting car sickness?...

    • Will my dog grow out of getting car sickness?

      Will my dog grow out of getting car sickness? General Dog Discussions
      My 7 month old chiweenie gets sick in the car on trips. She will start drooling a lot and then eventually puke. I was just wondering if she would grow out of it or if I should get a sitter for road trips. Is there a better way to travel with a sensitive stomache pup?

      Will my dog grow out of getting car sickness?

      Will my dog grow out of getting car sickness? General Dog Discussions
    • You might wish to pray the rosary for your dog regularly. The Virgin Mary is Our Lady of Good Health. See the following promises.The rosary is explained here:http://www.medjugorje.org/rosary.htmThe fifteen promises of Mary to Christians who recite the rosary:1. Whoever shall faithfully serve me by the recitation of the Rosary shall receive signal graces.2. I promise my special protection and the greatest graces to all those who shall recite the Rosary.3. The Rosary shall be a powerful armor against Hell, it will destroy vice, decrease sin, and defeat heresies.4. It will cause virtue and good works to flourish; it will obtain for souls the abundant mercy of God; it will withdraw the hearts of men from the love of the world and its vanities and will lift them to the desire of eternal things. Oh, that souls would sanctify themselves by this means.5. The soul which recommends itself to me by the recitation of the Rosary, shall not perish.6. Whoever shall recite the Rosary devoutly, applying himself to the consideration of its sacred mysteries, shall never be conquered by misfortune. God will not chastise him in His justice, he shall not perish by an unprovided death; if he be just, he shall remain in the grace of God and become worthy of eternal life.7. Whoever shall have a true devotion for the Rosary shall not die without the Sacraments of the Church.8. Those who are faithful to recite the Rosary shall have during their life and at their death the light of God and the plenitude of His graces; at the moment of death, they shall participate in the merits of the saints in Paradise.9. I shall deliver from Purgatory those who have been devoted to the Rosary.10. The faithful children of the Rosary shall merit a high degree of glory in Heaven.11. You shall obtain all you ask of me by the recitation of the Rosary.12. All those who propagate the Holy Rosary shall be aided by me in their necessities.13. I have obtained from my Divine Son that all the advocates of the Rosary shall have for intercessors the entire Celestial Court during their life and at the hour of death.14. All who recite the Rosary are my sons, and brothers of my only Son, Jesus Christ.15. Devotion to my Rosary is a great sign of predestination.God bless!Dave

    • my dogs have not and there over 8 what i find helps if ya know ya going on a trip that day i dont feed them in the morning and then there is nothing for him to bring up i have done this the past 8 years and no more sick it car

    • I live 45 miles from my vet and have a dog that barfs in the car. To date the only way to have him not barf is to have my wife pick up tranquilizers from the vet and put him 'out' before the ride into town. We have tried dog travel tabs previously and they where the first thing he barfed up. This dog is 3-1/2 years old and he is getting worse ........... not better.

    • I've never had a dog yet (of the few I've had who got car sick) who didn't outgrow it. Work on it. Start by letting the dog sit in the car and eat a few treats with the car just sitting in the driveway. Do that a few times, then take the dog for a very, very short ride and do something really fun at the end of the ride - a walk, game of ball, visit with a dog friend, etc. Don't feed your dog before car rides. Some dogs do better if they can see out a window, others prefer being confined in a crate. Find out how your puppy's more comfortable and she should outgrow it if you work at it.

    • My eldest German Shepherd grew out of it fast. She puked and got sick to her stomach and had the runs inside my van - outside the van she was perfectly fine.Now she jumps in the car even when I don't want her to; she loves going for rides and I've even taken her on a 3 hour car trip with no problems.