My dog is growing a feather on his side?

It looks like my dog is growing a feather from it's side - I tried to wipe it off but it was stuck inside of him. It really looks like it's actually growing out from a pore. Sure he's a "bird dog", but I mean I don't think he's supposed to turn into a…

    My dog is growing a feather on his side?

    It looks like my dog is growing a feather from it's side - I tried to wipe it off but it was stuck inside of him. It really looks like it's actually growing out from a pore. Sure he's a "bird dog", but I mean I don't think he's supposed to turn into a…...
    General Dog Discussions : My dog is growing a feather on his side?...

    • Um.. It may just be matted fur. I'd wash him or try to clip it off with scissors. It won't hurt him if you do, it's like cutting hair. He might've gotten tarred and feathered while you were away one day lol :D Anyways, good luck with your Bird Dog, make sure you don't swear, birds LOVE to copy swear words :D lol and I don't think you want your dog insulting Shih-tzus :D lol lolTake'm to the vet if it doesn't clear up :D

    • I once thought my grangmother's dog laid some eggs, because I found chicken eggs in her dog house. But I was 4 at the time and after my grand mother explained the chickens sometimes took over the dog house for a hen house, well I understood. Hope this helps you figure out the feather delima.

    • Well my parrot thinks he's a dog, he barks, so a dog that thinks he's a bird seems normal to me.Although if this is a serious question, l would suggest seeing the vet, the feather may have punctured the dogs skin, it could cause an infection.

    • Set up a booth infront of you house and advertise him as the amazing oddity known as birddog. 5 bucks each in no time your money will "fly" up Or you can make a fake wing tape it to the other side and train your dog to wiggle his stomach up and down that way he can fly you to places or you can just go see a vet but I'm pretty sure having a dog as you own personal airplane would be pretty cool... I'm thinking you should go see a vet