Alapaha Blue Blood Bulldog Dog Breed

  • The Alapaha Blue Blood Bulldog is one of the last remaining breeds that are typical of the original bulldogs from England that were used as "plantation dogs", guarding and watching these large tracts of land in the southern United States. While a descendent of bulldogs the Alapaha Blue Blood Bulldog is different and separate from English Bulldogs and is not just a physical variation of another breed. These dogs exhibit all the bulldog features except in a more exaggerated form. They are taller and leggier than most bulldog breeds and are also more athletic and energetic than many of the traditional bulldog breeds.

    Rattings :

    Ease of Training








    Guard Dog








    Good with Kids



    Life Expectancy

    12-15 years

    Litter Size

    4-8 puppies, average 6 puppies


    Not Akc Recognized


    All colors and pattern acceptable with red and blue merle with white, chocolate or liver and white or any parti-color acceptable.

    Hair Length



    Moderate Shed


    Large, Extra Large : - Male Height: 24 inches (61 cm) - Male Weight: 100 pounds (47 kg) - Female Height: 22 inches (61 cm) - Female Weight:[/b] often less than 60 pounds

    Required Living Area

    The Alapaha Blue Blood Bulldog is an inactive dog indoors so can adjust to both apartment and house life. They do need regular outside exercise and a large, securely fenced yard is the best possible option for the breed.

    Breed Details


    The Alapaha Blue Blood Bulldog is one of the last remaining breeds that are typical of the original bulldogs from England that were used as "plantation dogs", guarding and watching these large tracts of land in the southern United States. While a descendent of bulldogs the Alapaha Blue Blood Bulldog is different and separate from English Bulldogs and is not just a physical variation of another breed. These dogs exhibit all the bulldog features except in a more exaggerated form. They are taller and leggier than most bulldog breeds and are also more athletic and energetic than many of the traditional bulldog breeds. Despite the ongoing debate about this breed that has been developed by one family and from one particular stud dog, Alapaha Blue Blood Bulldog lovers staunchly support the breed. They have been regularly infused with bulldog blood throughout the breed development although they are unique in both physical description as well as temperament. The Alapaha Blue Blood Bulldog is a tall breed often measuring 24 inches at the shoulders. They have a good leg length and are powerful yet also lean and athletic in appearance. The hips are slightly narrower than the broad and deep chest giving the streamlined appearance. The legs are well boned and muscled and should be straight and parallel on the front and well bent at the hocks on the rear. The feet are large, cat like and well arched. The dewclaws on the front and back legs are always left on unless they become injured or there is some complication. The males and females of the Alapaha Blue Blood Bulldog are very different with males much larger, often up to twice as heavy as the females. Both tend to have the muscular bodies and broad bulldog heads but the females have a more feminine appearance that should be evident. The head is broad and typically bulldog in shape with a noticeable stop, short muzzle and prominent, large eyes. The eyes may be blue or brown or may be mismatched or spotted, with blue spotting in brown or vice versa. Many will have a merle or blue spot over the eye that is common in the breed. The coat is very short and thick with various colors and patterns seen within the breed. Merles are very common but solid colors are considered a fault. The lips are loose and rather long which makes the breed somewhat prone to drooling. The ears and tail of the Alapaha Blue Blood Bulldog are left natural and long, never docked. The ears are moderately long and triangular, set to the side of the head and folding over to approximately the lower jaw. The tail is long and tapered and carried parallel to the ground when the dog is in motion.


    The original "Plantation Dogs" were historically used on the large southern plantations in the state of Georgia in the United States. These dogs were bulldogs and mastiff type local and European breeds that were brought in by the plantation owners to guard the slaves that were working on the plantation as well as protect the house from intruders and wild animals such as cougars, coyotes and wolves. After slavery was abolished the need for the old style of plantation dog decreased dramatically and only a few were left in the area, largely used as companion and protection dogs. The Lane family of Rebecca, Georgia in the Alapaha River Valley began breeding to retain the old plantation dog temperament and appearance. Lana Lou Lane is largely credited with establishing Circle K Kennels that made the applications to have the breed registered with the American Rare Breeds Association in 1986. There is considerable debate about the various lines and where breeding stock was obtained for the development of the kennel and breeding program. Ms. Lane passed away in 2001, at which time the kennel was sold. There are few records of the original breeding program, especially since the kennel was family run. There are now more breeders of this unique breed, although they are typically located within the same geographical area as the original breeder.


    As a rare breed of dog the Alapaha Blue Blood Bulldog is not commonly found in most areas. They are reported be an excellent companion dog as well as a protector that will loyally and fiercely protect their family from any type of danger. Although they are a protective breed they are not considered to be aggressive and will not typically attack or protect unless they are provoked or are on their own territory. The Alapaha Blue Blood Bulldog is a very trainable dog that is extremely intelligent, calm and accepting of family and pets. While they will chase and do have some prey instinct they can also be trained to accept cats and other dogs in the family. Typically the Alapaha Blue Blood Bulldog will be somewhat of a dominant type of dog so it is strongly recommended to have them spayed or neutered if not being used for breeding purposes and pair them with an opposite gender, non-dominant spayed or neutered companion dog. The Alapaha Blue Blood Bulldog is great with children and has an amazing tolerance for kids of all ages. They are, however, highly protective of kids so it is important to introduce these dogs to friends and kid's playmates to avoid any misunderstand on the part of the dog. While a large and active dog the Alapaha Blue Blood Bulldog is very quiet and relaxed when in the house. They will usually find a quiet space beside their owner and simply watch what is going on, always vigilant and attentive to their environment and the needs of their family. The Alapaha Blue Blood Bulldog will bond very strongly with the family and needs to be able to keep people in sight. Although they can be outdoors in a well fenced and secure area in moderate climates they really do prefer to be part of the family. The breed enjoys going for walks and outings, although it is very important to have them well trained and keep them on a lead at all times. The Alapaha Blue Blood Bulldog will defend the owner from strange dogs that approach, often with very negative consequences so leash training, socialization and obedience training is essential if these dogs are to be taken out of a fenced area.

    Health Care

    The Alapaha Blue Blood Bulldog is from a very limited bloodline, all stemming from one kennel and one stud dog named Otto. There is, therefore, concern among breeders regarding genetic conditions that may occur with line Breeding and inbreeding. Careful monitoring of the rare breed has largely prevented this from becoming an issue, however there is a high percentage of the less than 200 purebred Alapaha Blue Blood Bulldogs that have an eye condition known as Entropion. This is a condition where the lower eyelid turns or rolls inward, resulting in eye irritations and possible blindness if not treated. Surgical procedures can correct this condition and, when caught early, there is no long-term damage to the eye. Deafness may also be a problem in the breed and with the decreasing number of registered Alapaha Blue Blood Bulldogs there is likely to be more genetic conditions found within future litters. Many breeders are now working with other rare bulldog type breeds to try to expand the genetic pool while keeping the physical characteristics and temperament that define the breed.


    Grooming the Alapaha Blue Blood Bulldog is very simple as their short, dense and rather coarse coat is easy to care for. All that is required is regular twice a week grooming with a stiff bristle brush or a rubberized grooming mitt. Grooming mitts are very easy to use as they slip on the hand and you simply stroke the dog's hair in the direction of hair growth. The texturized, rubber surface grips the dead hair and removes it from the coat. The Alapaha Blue Blood Bulldog is an average shedder throughout the year. Regular grooming will help prevent the build-up of shed hair on the carpet and furniture. The breed can also benefit from regular full baths once or twice a month to help cut down on the "doggy" smell that may be noticeable with the breed. Full bathing with a good quality dog shampoo and using a good quality dog hair conditioner will help prevent the skin from drying out. While grooming watch for any signs of ear infections that are usually first discovered by the foul spelling smell coming from the ear area. Treatment usually involves washing the outer areas of the ear with warm water and a wax removal ointment that can be purchased from the vet. More cleaning may be required for severe infections and the vet may clean the ear and require antibiotics in the form of ear drops to completely cure the infection in the inner ear. Nails are usually very hard and durable with the breed and usually will require little care if the dog is exercised on a hard surface on a regular basis. For those dogs on soft surfaces the nails should be clipped whenever they become long enough to cause any type of pressure against the pads. Clipping with a guillotine style special dog nail trimmer is recommended. Never use human nail care products, as this will cause the nail to shatter and cause the dog pain. Always be sure not to accidentally nick or cut the quick of the nail, as this will cause profuse bleeding and pain. Always have some Quickstop or other clotting agent incase of accidental injury when clipping the nails.


    Training the Alapaha Blue Blood Bulldog is very easy since the dog is so intelligent and willing. They are naturally very protective so training should focus on enhancing obedience to allow the owner to be able to call off the dog when required. The Alapaha Blue Blood Bulldog is not a problem barker but if bored and unattended too may resort to barking. Since they have a very deep and loud bark, this can quickly become a problem. Obedience training from the youngest possible age is a must for this breed. Socialization should be a key part of training and should include introducing the puppy to different dogs, new environments and various people. The more socialized these dogs are the less likely they will be to demonstrate any type of aggression unless they are protecting the residence. The Alapaha Blue Blood Bulldog is not a highly dominant breed but they can be somewhat stubborn and independent in training. A trainer or owner should never be harsh or aggressive in training with the breed, rather using positive training rewards and using the dog's natural love of human interaction is the most effective training method.

    Activity and Exercise

    The Alapaha Blue Blood Bulldog is a dog that has a history of being outside and being very active in patrolling the property as a protective dog. They are normally very inactive indoors and do need regular, structured exercise or long periods of time outside per day to stay healthy and prevent excessive weight gain and obesity from becoming a problem. They are good at self-exercising so are not a huge demand on the owner for exercise with the outside time option. The breed is very protective and will need to be kept within a secure, strong and tall fence at all times. Since they are athletic they can jump and climb, although with enough space to explore in the yard they are very content. The Alapaha Blue Blood Bulldog prefers to have some exercise time with the family as well as just being outside in the yard. They love to play with the kids and will romp and play for hours chasing the ball or just running and jogging alongside the kids. The Alapaha Blue Blood Bulldog makes a good jogging companion and has excellent stamina. They will, of course, need to be well trained and kept on a leash or lead at all times when out of the fenced yard. Since many people have a fear of any type of dog that resembles the bulldog type do to irresponsible owners, it is always important to have the Alapaha Blue Blood Bulldog under control at all times. The Alapaha Blue Blood Bulldog is a good dog for camping and hiking and they can also make good hunting companions and may even be used in obedience events.
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