Dogs Training Discussions

Dogs Training Discussions


Topic Replies Likes Views Last Reply

How do you believe dogs should be trained?

20 8,228


Is it animal abuse to not walk your dog?

19 6,333


What can I use to stop my puppy from chewing on the carpet and furniture?

19 4,634

Onyx e f ee hi8195

how do i get over a fear of dogs after being bitten and chased as a child..i am 28 now and it still prevails.?

19 15,560


What emotions do you think canines are capable of?

19 5,231


My Staffy puppy 11 weeks old fears the collar?

  • 5414
  • 6082
19 7,373


How would you break up a fight with a pit mix (yr. old) & a 4 month old cocker spaniel?

  • Rose
  • brindle
19 5,586


How old does a puppy have to be to be away from it's mother?

18 4,464

Shelter dogs are the best

How can I get my dog to stop her aggression towards strangers and other dogs?

18 5,394

Brittany M

I plan to buy a dog, but need to know how to find a good breeder and what to look for in a good breeder?

17 3,859


How do you stop a dog’s aggression at everyone who is not family? I have a boxer.?

17 15,266


What kind of personality does best for dog agility?

  • Max2571
  • Mica
17 4,748


what breed of dog would be a good companion for my Golden?

16 6,533

Cioccolata 9968

What would be a good medium to large sized dog?

  • 3l3
  • 7539
16 3,435


What are the down falls of not getting my male dog fixed?

16 4,654

10 year old genious

What do you think of this law. All owners of large dogs must have their dog tested for aggression?

16 4,456

Memphis Belle Make N Mischief

Is it bad if I let my dog swim in a pool?

15 3,905

a gal and her dog8965

How do I make my new dog stop messing in the house when I leave?

  • 69canam
  • 777
15 14,569


Hi,I adopted a 7yr old Dalmation. When walking,she barks aggressively when approaching other dogs?

15 4,966

na 3756

What does this mean when my rabbit does this?

15 4,635
