What bugs you the MOST in the dog section?

Alright, let's hear some well-earned complaints. After answering/seeing so many questions, what bothers you the most here in the dog section? Which questions drive you insane?People who refuse to provide medical care?Wannabe breeders?People who insist…

    What bugs you the MOST in the dog section?

    Alright, let's hear some well-earned complaints. After answering/seeing so many questions, what bothers you the most here in the dog section? Which questions drive you insane?People who refuse to provide medical care?Wannabe breeders?People who insist…...
    General Dog Discussions : What bugs you the MOST in the dog section?...

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    • 1. When a dog is very ill, injured, or showing abnormal symptoms and people don't bother to go to the vet. The first thing I do if there is something wrong with my dog is get a professional opinion. People cannot diagnose over the internet, were not vets, and those that are can't answer without seeing the animal. For goodness sake - if your dog is ill, take it to the vet!2. People who want to breed their dogs. I support Animal Rescue and Ethical, Responsible Breeders. In no way should anyone breed their dog just to have cute puppies or another one of their dog. Seriously, if you want another dog that bad - go to the shelter or find a breeder, and get your pets spayed/neutered! There is no need to add to the problem of homeless pets.3. Irresponsible owners. Enough said. Do your research, train your dog, and take precautions even if you think your dog is the best dog in the world. It comes down to the fact that a dog is still an animal, and things can go wrong (usually due to human error!)

    • The questions bother me, but it's the questions that are only validating things they've already done and then picking the ONE positive (and stupid) answer they get as best answer because that person agreed with their idiocy, REALLY gets to me. That and all the HORRIBLE and dangerous answers people give.

    • just idiots who dont know how to care for animals and still own them... weather it be breeding without knowing what they are doing or not going to the vet when your dog has a bump the size of a tennis ball

    • A - The people who refuse to take their dog to a vetB - The people who automatically recommend a lab or a golden retriever when you asked about another breed entirelyC - Those who treat designer dogs like a pure breed when it is plainly not.And my biggest beef...The ignorant who bash the pit bull or any other breed that has received negative media attention. They swallow the fermented swill of ignorance whole and vomit it forth every chance they get.

    • The Pure Bred Breeders that think they know the world. The Rude people that think they know everything about pure bred dogs and they are the ones that think they can control the dog forum and insult and give rude answers. This site is to help people and not to scare them away and to give answers that are not rude or insults.Abide by the Community Guidelines. Treat people on here with RESPECT.

    • i agree with nice person the rudeness is what bothers me most.you all hate these kind of questions YET you all answer them ..makes no sense...why all the thumbs down for an opinion ..there is no wrong answer on this one duhhh

    • Oh boy you asked for it 1) whats wrong with my dog ( sorry my Crystal ball broke) go to the vet. tell him we sent you.2) i just got a puppy what do i do ( why don't people research before they get a puppy or at least ask the vet.)3)i can't afford a vet. ( well what can i say let the dog die and don't get another)4) what breed is best for me ( i don't know you or your life style so how can i decide for you again research)5) i want to get a puppy for my kids what would be a good dog for kids that won't bite, mine are 1 , 2, 3 yrs. old and I'm prego again. ( so you want a furry babysitter for your kids. do you need a puppy i think not)ok that's enough before i get in trouble.

    • I think the whiners get to me the most. They whine because they didn't like the answer they got, and give a thumbs down to anyone who doesn't agree. Don't ask the question if you can't take the opinions of others without taking it as a personal attack! Some people need to grow up.