will putting bleach and water solution on my dogs ringworm kill it?

My dog has a ringworm on her paw and she is limping a little at times.She not in pain.I can press down on it and she will not pull away or cry. Maybe the little not like on top of her paw fells funny to her when she walks on it.

    will putting bleach and water solution on my dogs ringworm kill it?

    My dog has a ringworm on her paw and she is limping a little at times.She not in pain.I can press down on it and she will not pull away or cry. Maybe the little not like on top of her paw fells funny to her when she walks on it....
    General Dog Discussions : will putting bleach and water solution on my dogs ringworm kill it?...

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    • will putting bleach and water solution on my dogs ringworm kill it?

      will putting bleach and water solution on my dogs ringworm kill it? General Dog Discussions
      My dog has a ringworm on her paw and she is limping a little at times.She not in pain.I can press down on it and she will not pull away or cry. Maybe the little not like on top of her paw fells funny to her when she walks on it.

      will putting bleach and water solution on my dogs ringworm kill it?

      will putting bleach and water solution on my dogs ringworm kill it? General Dog Discussions
    • DO NOT PUT BLEACH AND WATER ON YOUR DOG! Go to the vet and they will give you pills and or cream for it. If your dog is licking it put an ace bandage around it and give your dog a peanut butter filled bone to keep its mind off it.

    • If you are sure it is ringworm? Alcohol will kill it if applied several times a day. Bleach/water does work on hoof rot caused by fungus in livestock, so I assume it would work on ringworm too. I know rubbing alcohol will work.Ringworm doesn't usually cause limping, so I would question your diagnosis though. Are you sure it isn't an infection that would require antibiotics?

    • yes please dont put bleach on the dog, he might like it off his paw and it could be harmful. Take him to the vet, my little boxer pup has ringworm too and i just took him in they gave me some ointment.

    • No, bleach will cause a burn wound - take your dog to the vet to be sure it is ringworm.Ann is correct - cream used for vaginal infections will likely help if it is ringworm. Ringworm is a fungus, not a worm and miconyzol will help get rid of it.However, ringworm is usually on the body of the dog - you need to take your dog to the vet to have whatever is on her paw identified - I doubt it is ringworm.

    • I doubt that is ringworm. Take her to vet. Bleach will not do it and may make dog sick if she licks it. Ringworm is a skin disease that needs special meds to clear it up. Also, ringworm is contagious especially to kids.

    • No, you need an anti-fungal. Athlete's foot cream would eliminate all but the most stubborn case of ringworm, but it doesn't sound like ringworm to me. Ringworm can cause itching, but it shouldn't be causing pain. Maybe you should have her checked out by the vet, even get an oral anti-fungal-they are much more effective, anyway.

    • yeah it might kill the dog, not the ringworm. You can get over the counter stuff at a drugstore for ringworm. Athlete's foot meds and jock itch meds, all kill the fungus which is what ringworm is. Do not put bleach on your dog. Unless the vet diagnosed it, it may not even be ringworm.