Is there anyway to train a dog to attack and kill mice?

So we got a dog, and have noticed we also have a mouse problem (not the reason we got the dog) we want to know if a dog can be trained to kill mice, not eat just kill. if so how?

    Is there anyway to train a dog to attack and kill mice?

    So we got a dog, and have noticed we also have a mouse problem (not the reason we got the dog) we want to know if a dog can be trained to kill mice, not eat just kill. if so how?...
    Dog Breed Discussions : Is there anyway to train a dog to attack and kill mice?...

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    • Is there anyway to train a dog to attack and kill mice?

      Is there anyway to train a dog to attack and kill mice? Dog Breed Discussions
      So we got a dog, and have noticed we also have a mouse problem (not the reason we got the dog) we want to know if a dog can be trained to kill mice, not eat just kill. if so how?

      Is there anyway to train a dog to attack and kill mice?

      Is there anyway to train a dog to attack and kill mice? Dog Breed Discussions
    • One of my dogs is a rat terrier ( a dog bred for catching mice ) and we don't have a single problem with mice. I'm not sure if you can train a dog but if you can't, get a house cat. The cat is best for mice problems.

    • I looked it up, and I found this video on youtube! It was kind of cruel, though. your dog is a terrier it will naturally want to kill mice; I had an airedale terrier, and he would kill mice whenever he had the chance. Good luck!