Would a shelter call a dog by a designer name when adopting it out?

My neighbor has a dog he adopted from a shelter. He calls it a Puggle. He's not the type of person who would know that name unless someone told him that so I'm wondering if maybe the shelter told him that's what "breed" it was?

    Would a shelter call a dog by a designer name when adopting it out?

    My neighbor has a dog he adopted from a shelter. He calls it a Puggle. He's not the type of person who would know that name unless someone told him that so I'm wondering if maybe the shelter told him that's what "breed" it was?...
    General Dog Discussions : Would a shelter call a dog by a designer name when adopting it out?...

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    • Would a shelter call a dog by a designer name when adopting it out?

      Would a shelter call a dog by a designer name when adopting it out? General Dog Discussions
      My neighbor has a dog he adopted from a shelter. He calls it a Puggle. He's not the type of person who would know that name unless someone told him that so I'm wondering if maybe the shelter told him that's what "breed" it was?

      Would a shelter call a dog by a designer name when adopting it out?

      Would a shelter call a dog by a designer name when adopting it out? General Dog Discussions
    • I've seen some shelters do this so it is possible they did. I personally don't like the practice because in my opinion it contributes to less informed owners thinking they are actually a breed helping to legitimize the BYB producing them

    • I think it's very possible that someone from a shelter used a designer dog name on a dog they are trying to find a home for. Not because they were trying to deceive someone... just because they don't realize how incorrect their comment is. They want to get that dog a home... so...they could inadvertently chum the owner's emotions without even knowing it by tossing the cutsie name out there..

    • I've seen shelters do this, yes. Far more than I'd like.I've even seen a shelter on Petfinder try to place a dog (a Labradoodle) for a Vet Tech who apparently just didn't know any better. I do pity her and her situation --death in the family and she's sick--but I think it's appalling that someone who works with dogs would call a mutt by such a silly name.