What would be a good dog for kids with allergies?

Looking for a medium/large dog. My son gets allerigies from certain dogs that shed a lot with dander. Other than a poodle, what are some suggestions?

    What would be a good dog for kids with allergies?

    Looking for a medium/large dog. My son gets allerigies from certain dogs that shed a lot with dander. Other than a poodle, what are some suggestions?...
    Dog Breed Discussions : What would be a good dog for kids with allergies?...

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    • What would be a good dog for kids with allergies?

      What would be a good dog for kids with allergies? Dog Breed Discussions
      Looking for a medium/large dog. My son gets allerigies from certain dogs that shed a lot with dander. Other than a poodle, what are some suggestions?

      What would be a good dog for kids with allergies?

      What would be a good dog for kids with allergies? Dog Breed Discussions
    • You will have to work with a reputable breeder to make sure your son wouldn't be allergic to a dog. Not all breeds that are considered less allergenic are good with kids, so you will need to be very careful. You wouldn't be getting just a coat, but the whole dog - and there will be other kids involved as well. Don't fall for the 'doodle' scam - they are made of inferior stock, and not always less allergenic. By definition, they also have coats that are a genetic mess, and require far more grooming than one could imagine. Just try to stick with an established breed, and the reputable members of the breed club. You'll want an ADULT dog, never a puppy. Puppies actually are more allergenic, and you don't want to go through boning with a puppy, only to find it needs to leave. You will know more, and fast6er, if you spend some time with an adult dog- and end up keeping that particular one if it works out. You really should consider a standard Poodle - and know that they originated as German hunting dogs, not the topiary things they have been made into. They can be clipped into a puppy cut that is far more acceptable to cruising around with a boy than another breed that may not be so easy to disguise - and they are fairly durable and lack an agenda. That having been said, PLEASE stay away from the Portuguese Water DOg - they have a very small gene pool, and the dog so famously placed with the Obamas was chosen carefully and groomed with loads of training for the placement,. They aren't all like that, and can have some significant problems. People who have them love them, but I have known several that were downright dangers to their owners. Just don't... I have a little Lhasa Apso who is more dog than his size - he is fairly sturdy, game to play with any large dog, and the loudest animal on earth. He loves kids, gets mistaken for a puppy often, and is easy to handle. When you look them up you will be appalled at the pictures that show them like fountains of fine hair- it can mostly be chopped off, leaving a working puppy cut that washes easily in the sink if they get into slime. They're stockier than most little dogs, and although they are NOT agile, they are good on the ground, and small enough to snuggle. A Shih Tzu is also a decent choice - smarter than the Lhasa Apso, not so loud, but still puppy like and hardy enough to cruise with boys. They too can be cropped into a puppy cut, and washed in the sink. More agile, not as tough, but still a good choice - and a good one will have a sunny personality. Stay away from Tibetan Terriers - they have some health issues, and are often hard to control. Not very bright, and can be hard to walk on a leash - just too fractious to recommend. I cannot say any of the Terrier would be a good choice, except -perhaps- for a good Airedale or even a Lakeland. They are very sturdy, but also barge around gracelessly, and some can be aggressive. the Lakeland is smaller, so that may be a possibility. Avoid the Irish Soft Coated Wheaten like the plague- they look sweet, but are in fact tough farm dogs raised to hunt vermin, and my experience has been that every one of them is either people- or animal-aggressive, or both. They are not good family pets, no matter what coat they are wearing - which is why you don't see many of them. So - Poodle, standard or minihttp://www.poodleclubofamerica.org/find.htm Lhasa Apso-http://www.lhasaapso.org/# Shih Tzuhttp://americanshihtzuclub.org/ Airedalehttp://www.airedale.org/Lakelandhttp://www.uslakelandterrier.org/uslakelandterrier/