Would u kill a person if they tried to kill your dog for no reason?

There was an old man im Milford not to long ago. He let his best friend his dog out to pee. He hears kids laughing, goes out and they cut the dog real bad.

    Would u kill a person if they tried to kill your dog for no reason?

    There was an old man im Milford not to long ago. He let his best friend his dog out to pee. He hears kids laughing, goes out and they cut the dog real bad....
    General Dog Discussions : Would u kill a person if they tried to kill your dog for no reason?...

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    • Would u kill a person if they tried to kill your dog for no reason?

      Would u kill a person if they tried to kill your dog for no reason? General Dog Discussions
      There was an old man im Milford not to long ago. He let his best friend his dog out to pee. He hears kids laughing, goes out and they cut the dog real bad.

      Would u kill a person if they tried to kill your dog for no reason?

      Would u kill a person if they tried to kill your dog for no reason? General Dog Discussions
    • I wouldn't kill a person unless they threatened my life or my child's, and it was an 'in the moment' kind of thing.In a case like that, I'd contact the authorities and punish them legally.

    • i wouldn't kill the person but i would be incredibly angry! I LOVE MY DOGS IF ANYTHING HAPPENED TO THEM I WOULD DIE! i would definitely report them to the cops, and then i would try to track them down and verbally harass them and confront them on the CRIME that they have committed!

    • First I'd get pi$$ed off. I'd scream, holler, cuss, etc. Then, later that night, after I'd cried about the loss of my baby - I'd go to their house and either take their dog/pet from their yard (then bring it to a pound in another city cause I can't kill an animal that hasn't done anything wrong) OR knock on their door and proceed to beat the ever living crap out of them. That's just me though. And I don't give a rats a$$ if it's a teenager either. If they have the nerve to hurt/kill my baby dog then they can have the nerve to stand there and take a beating.

    • Well was the dog running loose ? if so then the owner has himself to blame. I never killed anyone over my dog but I can tell you I punched a full grown man in the face for kicking my dog across the room for no reason. That date was asked to leave and never return.

    • if someone killed my dog i would be so frikkin mad and i would soooooo want to kill them (if they were just strangers or someone i didnt like and they did it on purpose, not accident). i wouldnt do it tho, cuz i dont want to go to jail or get a death sentnce XDi would just tell the police or sumtin i guess...but i would be so sad and mad.

    • Well it's the old man's fault for letting his dog out without watching it. There are real sick people out like that but to kill someone for revenge is morally wrong and is just as wrong as they are. I would never be able to forgive myself for taking someone's life for repent/revenge because it won't bring my dog back.

    • No. Killing is ridiculous. An eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind.However.I would be sure to make thier lives as miserable as possible. I am sure that this wretched person would be dangerous so I'd be careful. Luckily, I am rather clever and could be happy devoting my life to torturing anyone with such hate in thier hearts.

    • i wouldn't personally try to kill them - too much of a weenie and have too much of a conscience for that, but i'd take one of his pets if he had any and keep it away from him, and see how HE likes it. and i'd also file a lawsuit on his ass. i'd get all the neighborhood kids to egg and TP him, and make him lose his job, if possible.

    • If somebody was being cruel to a dog for no reason, I would disable him so he couldn't walk around the streets doing stuff like that. Because he's not going to stop with animals. After that it will be people.Then I wouldn't have his murder on my conscience and I wouldn't have it on my conscience that I let him go to do it again, either.

    • I wouldn`t kill them but I might hire someone to give them a going over they wouldn`t soon forget. That`s the only way to make them think twice before hurting another pet. Since the laws aren`t strict enough to impose a serious sentence on the hoodlums, someone has to do something. They usually get a slap on the wrist and a fine to pay while you`re grieving for your injured or dead innocent pet.

    • Honestly, I wouldn't KILL somebody, but I'd probably do bodily harm if someone were to hit/cut/stab/kick my dog. She is everything to me, and I don't like other people touching her. I've screamed at kids, and I've gone after a 40 year old man for grabbing my dog. I couldn't kill another living thing. But I would do anything to protect my dog in a dangerous situation!