How to convince my parents to let me get a dog and how to earn money to get one?

I really want a dog like really bad and my divorced mom and dad wont let me get one. They live 45 minutes away from eachother which really wouldnt be a problem because I want a small dog. But how do I convince my parents to let me get one?? And how can I…

    How to convince my parents to let me get a dog and how to earn money to get one?

    I really want a dog like really bad and my divorced mom and dad wont let me get one. They live 45 minutes away from eachother which really wouldnt be a problem because I want a small dog. But how do I convince my parents to let me get one?? And how can I…...
    General Dog Discussions : How to convince my parents to let me get a dog and how to earn money to get one?...

    • How to convince my parents to let me get a dog and how to earn money to get one?

      How to convince my parents to let me get a dog and how to earn money to get one? General Dog Discussions
      I really want a dog like really bad and my divorced mom and dad wont let me get one. They live 45 minutes away from eachother which really wouldnt be a problem because I want a small dog. But how do I convince my parents to let me get one?? And how can I get enough money to buy a dog??? Thanks! 10 pts best answer!

      How to convince my parents to let me get a dog and how to earn money to get one?

      How to convince my parents to let me get a dog and how to earn money to get one? General Dog Discussions
    • i was once at your situation, my mom is a single parent and she didn't really like dogs and we weren't at the best time with money. I never gave up trying to convince her and did all sorts of stuff to get my mom to agree on getting me a german shepherd. I got all As, kept making up conversations relating to dogs and proving i was serious about this. Show your parents your knowledge of taking care of dogs and also about the specific breed you want. Vow your responsibility and time and keep bringing up the subject whether they like it or not. If they know that you truly are serious, they will consider. It will help by tons if you act like the best daughter in the world. about the money, if your parents are set on YOU buying the dog, your best bet is to rescue a puppy from your local shelter/pound. they have many puppies there and it is not rare to find a pure bred at the shelters either. they will charge a small fee but it's not too much.

    • You can'tStop being a spoiled brat. You live under their roof so even if you got the money to get a dog you couldn't, you are a minor and minors can not won, buy, adopt or sell pets. Neither parents wants a dog so there won't be a dog, its that simple. How fair is that they would have to take care of the dog while you are at the other parents house. Its not. You can't convince them to get you a dog just because you want one. Did you pause to think they can't afford a dog? Or that they didn't want a dog destroying their house? Nope, you are just thinking about yourself.