Dog houses shaped like Precision Pet Outback dog house without the hassle of wood?

My dog had a petmate barnhouse that was great and lasted years but he's older now and deserves roomer sleeping quarters and I like the design of the Precision lodge house but I don't want the extra hassle of wood(pest, water, cleaning...) The only other…

    Dog houses shaped like Precision Pet Outback dog house without the hassle of wood?

    My dog had a petmate barnhouse that was great and lasted years but he's older now and deserves roomer sleeping quarters and I like the design of the Precision lodge house but I don't want the extra hassle of wood(pest, water, cleaning...) The only other…...
    General Dog Discussions : Dog houses shaped like Precision Pet Outback dog house without the hassle of wood?...

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    • Dog houses shaped like Precision Pet Outback dog house without the hassle of wood?

      Dog houses shaped like Precision Pet Outback dog house without the hassle of wood? General Dog Discussions
      My dog had a petmate barnhouse that was great and lasted years but he's older now and deserves roomer sleeping quarters and I like the design of the Precision lodge house but I don't want the extra hassle of wood(pest, water, cleaning...) The only other dog house seen that is not entirely wood is New age pet eco-friendly lodge but its reviews seem not as pleasing as its looks. Are there any other non-wood dog house in this style?

      Dog houses shaped like Precision Pet Outback dog house without the hassle of wood?

      Dog houses shaped like Precision Pet Outback dog house without the hassle of wood? General Dog Discussions
    • Ok well I tried my hardest. I did 30 minutes of searching here is everything I found. Idk the dimensions you want either so I just am putting randoms here. there are not Many non wood. If you wanted wood I could of found alot more. Hope i helped.