You are helping your dad build a dog house for your dog.?

You are helping your dad build a dog house for your dog. You tell him that it would be easy to build a dog house in the shape of a tent. The slanted sides are 13 feet long and the bottom of the house is 24 feet across. You draw him the following…

    You are helping your dad build a dog house for your dog.?

    You are helping your dad build a dog house for your dog. You tell him that it would be easy to build a dog house in the shape of a tent. The slanted sides are 13 feet long and the bottom of the house is 24 feet across. You draw him the following…...
    General Dog Discussions : You are helping your dad build a dog house for your dog.?...

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    • You are helping your dad build a dog house for your dog.?

      You are helping your dad build a dog house for your dog.? General Dog Discussions
      You are helping your dad build a dog house for your dog. You tell him that it would be easy to build a dog house in the shape of a tent. The slanted sides are 13 feet long and the bottom of the house is 24 feet across. You draw him the following illustration to help him find the height of the dog house. What do you tell him the height of the dog house is?

      You are helping your dad build a dog house for your dog.?

      You are helping your dad build a dog house for your dog.? General Dog Discussions
    • Honestly if I am in the yard talking to my dad and telling him how to build a dog house there is something really wrong with me, you see my father passed in 2000.So the answer is I buy a pre-fab doghouse.Actually I do not keep my dogs outside, so they do not need a dog house.If they did I would buy this one I think its so cute!!!

    • With those measurements it is impossible to determine the height of the dog house. With only one LENGTH and one WIDTH there are simply not enough parameters upon which to build an equation.