How do you feel about the poor dogs that have to live outside dogs?

I have always cringed at the site of outside dogs they are either free roaming, tied up with a crappy dog house for cover or in a kennel all day and night. If you own a dog and keep him outside morning noon and night, why even own a dog anyway! They are…

    How do you feel about the poor dogs that have to live outside dogs?

    I have always cringed at the site of outside dogs they are either free roaming, tied up with a crappy dog house for cover or in a kennel all day and night. If you own a dog and keep him outside morning noon and night, why even own a dog anyway! They are…...
    General Dog Discussions : How do you feel about the poor dogs that have to live outside dogs?...

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    • How do you feel about the poor dogs that have to live outside dogs?

      How do you feel about the poor dogs that have to live outside dogs? General Dog Discussions
      I have always cringed at the site of outside dogs they are either free roaming, tied up with a crappy dog house for cover or in a kennel all day and night. If you own a dog and keep him outside morning noon and night, why even own a dog anyway! They are part of the family and I can't imagine them being happy out there all the time. They need walked, socialized and to be in good health and clean smelling. I live in a big city where alot of the people keep their dogs outside and it's an inconvience to not be able to sleep soundly at night. They use these dogs as burglar alarms or they sell drugs and want some type of alert system, so they have dogs tied up in various spot over their yards. Even with a large kennel your dog is not getting what it needs in life. Why have a dog if you aren't going to care for them properly? Why not let them out during the day and crate them at night?if you live in the country and have more than an acre and your dog is loose, this question is not geared towards you! This ? is geared towards the dogs that have no where to go!!!

      How do you feel about the poor dogs that have to live outside dogs?

      How do you feel about the poor dogs that have to live outside dogs? General Dog Discussions
    • All common sense; if you keep a dog as a pet, look after it as such.But they'll still live longer than if they were a dog that lived inside dogs :p

    • thats the exact reason i had o say goodbye to my dog!i fet really bad that we couldnt giv him the run he needed (he was a greyhound) but he is fine now. he has gone to a greyhound foster home with 4 other greyhounds. mine isnt getting fostered tho and is staying there.he seems to really enjoy it there but i will miss him

    • it's sad how some people mistreat animals we have 3 dogs & they are happy & healthy boyfriend says they are treated better than he is...LOL you are right why have them if they are always tied up outside.....

    • I feel that the dogs that have to live outside dogs are really better off. Dogs need to run and play, and they just can't do that so much while inside other dogs. And, as Groucho Marx used to say, outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read.

    • I have dogs and they sleep outside. They have big kennels, and comfy cusions. They play in a nice big garden and they are cordened off from the gate so they cant escape. What you are describinbg to me is just plain scary and in some ways cruel. SAD TO SEE IN THE CITY! NIXS

    • I totally agree with you. A dog needs a home and a lot of love. There is no point in owning a dog if the person doesn't care for it.How can people think like that? If they need a burglar alarm, they should get a Sloman Shield or something. And people keeping their dogs out in a city! They think its good for the dog, to make the dog happy. At least if they let a dog roam out in the country side with enough space, but also checking on the dog, I think that is acceptable...

    • i have two outside dogs and they are very happy and healthy pets...there coats are to thick to have inside most times of the year they get a 3-5 mile run/walk everyday...and the neighbors children play with them in the yard when they go to the farm for the day the other six dogs all play together and have there hot dogs...very happy petsi do agree with your point on why have a pet when they are on a six foot leash tied up no water filthy living conditions but when you notice this call your local chapter of spca...they will check into it and remove the pet or reprimand the bad about some people...

    • I think that you are right about people that don't have time or room for their dogs and keep them tied up all day, but there are dogs that get put outside in the morning and spend there days outside until there owners come home in the evening. If the dog is able to run free in the yard with plenty of water and shelter i really don't see problem with that. There are a lot of good, loving pet owners that can't leave there dogs in the house all day, and if the pet is being cared for it is a much better life than a shelter. My dog loves to run in the woods in the morning and I leave her to it because although I love her like a child she is still a dog and has her own ideas about what it best for her.

    • Some dogs are meant to be outside. My family has owned dogs that were a lot more comfortable being outside & being able to be free. My sister recently had to give her husky away to a farmer because the husky preferred being outside.I don't like the idea, if the dogs are being neglected & are in an unfenced yard. As long as they're treated right, being fed & their owners give them doesn't matter if they're indoor or outdoor.


    • While I know some people who have outside dogs and even have heated shelters for them, that is not for me either. I feel the same...why have them if they aren't treated as a member of the family with all the comforts, companionship and attention? I have never owned an outside dog and I never will. Since my dogs are only 4 pounds, they even share our bed! Of course, we had to buy a staircase so that they could get up on the bed. :)