What's a good breed of dog to own for a guy?

I love dogs and looking for a moderate sized dog for my apartment. I don't want a big dog but do want a "guy's" dog. Any suggestions

    What's a good breed of dog to own for a guy?

    I love dogs and looking for a moderate sized dog for my apartment. I don't want a big dog but do want a "guy's" dog. Any suggestions...
    General Dog Discussions : What's a good breed of dog to own for a guy?...

    • It's hard to say what would be a good dog breed for you when we know so little about you, other than you live in an apartment. Try buying some dog magazines and finding what dogs have the best character traits for you. It sounds like you have done some thinking about it as you say you don't want a big dog, but how much time would you have to spend with it. How would you go about training it when you live in an apartment as you can't simply just let it out the door when it needs a bathroom break. However pugs are a nice quiet breed that are loyal, loving and willing to be trained easily enough.

    • lol, a "guy dog", ok..., well, after doing some serious research, i found the following...( these are low energy) Basset Hound, Basenji, Norwegian Elkhound, , most terriers, , Bulldog (as long as there's no flights of stairs to climb daily), French Bulldog, Finnish Spitz, Schipperke, ( these are medium energy)Brittany, (maybe)Springer Spaniel, (maybe) Pinscher, Bernese Mountain Dog, some labs also do well, but i personally think they are for houses because of their size, you could also try akc.org or petfinder.org, they are both great websites, well, that's my opinion, good luck! : ) (o, and plz adopt from a shelter and not a pet shop, they buy from horrible puppy mills where the puppies starve and are basically tortured,..thnx..., bi : )

    • Just to warn you... Jack russels are EXTREMELY hyper dogs by nature. If you get one thats laid back and NOT hyper...YOU'RE LUCKY!Labs (not chocolate...also MAJOR hyper...they need a LOT of running time) goldens or the best is a Mutt b/c with a mutt there's a slim chance of getting the pure breed genes. Like bad hips, skin allergies, etc. BUT! All big dogs have those problems.For an apartment...there's pugs, they are really cute!! and playful. not too girly or wussy.the little bull dogs are good too. Very sweet if raised right.ps...i work at a vet...any questions...i'll be sure to answer or try

    • I am a single guy and I live in a 755 sq ft. apartment. I own a Papillon mix. I'll admit, it's not a guy's dog, and I catch a lot of crap from my friends for having a "girlie dog", but she makes a great apartment pet, and gets a lot of attention from people walking on the streets (especially my female neighbors - good girl!). She does require some minor grooming though.