My dog got into a fight with a raccoon, what do I need to do?

My dog got into a fight with a raccoon last night and ended up killing it. He got a lot of little scratches on his neck, chest and face, and one really good size gash across his nose. He's had his rabies shot less than a year ago, but is there anything…

    My dog got into a fight with a raccoon, what do I need to do?

    My dog got into a fight with a raccoon last night and ended up killing it. He got a lot of little scratches on his neck, chest and face, and one really good size gash across his nose. He's had his rabies shot less than a year ago, but is there anything…...
    General Dog Discussions : My dog got into a fight with a raccoon, what do I need to do?...

    • My dog got into a fight with a raccoon, what do I need to do?

      My dog got into a fight with a raccoon, what do I need to do? General Dog Discussions
      My dog got into a fight with a raccoon last night and ended up killing it. He got a lot of little scratches on his neck, chest and face, and one really good size gash across his nose. He's had his rabies shot less than a year ago, but is there anything else I need to do to make sure he's ok? Is there any residual clean up, shots or medication, or precautions I should take? The last think I want is to think everything is ok because my dog lived and have him die because I didnt do something afterward. Thanks!

      My dog got into a fight with a raccoon, what do I need to do?

      My dog got into a fight with a raccoon, what do I need to do? General Dog Discussions
    • If he's up on his rabies shots, then he should be OK.I'd go ahead and get him to the vet to have the "good size gash" checked in case it needs sutures. Also, the vet might want to put him on antibiotics to ward off infection.

    • You gots yerself one tuff mutt!!! In all seriousness though, you should call your vet.You should give your pup first aid like you would for any human. Clean the wounds, put on some antibiotic ointment, and cover them if you can, or if necessary.Raccoons carry a nasty parasite called "Baylisascaris procyonis" which you could get too! So, if you don't want to have to go to the doctor yourself to get dewormed, well you might want to call the vet. :)

    • I would call the vet right away who gave your dog the shots the last time. He can tell you if they are still good and what you can do. Or call the agriculture office in your area. They should know too what would be the best to do. Or if they don't know they will certainly give you a number where you can ask for information. Rabies is nothing to fool around with. I hope that your dog is okay and safe and you must not worry. But better safe than sorry. Good luck

    • if your dog has been vaccinated for rabies.. please dont worry... Im sure the coon wasnt rabid anyway... rabid coons are very slow moving. often going in circles... staggering... the coon wouldn't have put up a fight.. ( If he had rabies)just clean your dogs wounds w/ betadine.. not peroxide.. peroxide kills the good cells also.BTW: what kind of dog do you have? lolcoons are tough! ( unless it was a yearling) :(p.s. your dog cannot get the baylis..( raccoon roundworm).. thru a scratch.. its transmitted thru eating feces or the eggs..and although its possible IF the raccoon had rabies.. for ur dog to contract it thru a scratch... but not likely.. Rabies is transmitted through saliva! :)