My dog has heart worms what can i do?

My dog coughs up blood, lost a lot of weight, faints. I'll give him a bowl of food and it will last up to 2days. But he drinks a lot of waterI did take him to a vet. The vet wants $800 to make him better, i dont have that. He has only cough up blood…

    My dog has heart worms what can i do?

    My dog coughs up blood, lost a lot of weight, faints. I'll give him a bowl of food and it will last up to 2days. But he drinks a lot of waterI did take him to a vet. The vet wants $800 to make him better, i dont have that. He has only cough up blood…...
    General Dog Discussions : My dog has heart worms what can i do?...

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    • My dog has heart worms what can i do?

      My dog has heart worms what can i do? General Dog Discussions
      My dog coughs up blood, lost a lot of weight, faints. I'll give him a bowl of food and it will last up to 2days. But he drinks a lot of waterI did take him to a vet. The vet wants $800 to make him better, i dont have that. He has only cough up blood twice. But he coughs alot. I dont know what i can do. No one will help me out with money. the vet said that he is a 1 - 2 but i thank hes 3 -4.i got him from a guy when he was 2yrs old is 3yrs old now. I thank he had it with what guy,but he didnt tell me he only told me he need his rabies and parvo/distemp

      My dog has heart worms what can i do?

      My dog has heart worms what can i do? General Dog Discussions
    • Get off the computer and get your poor dog, to an emergency vet!!!!omg..I can't believe you are sitting here asking a question like that...move it!!!!!!!!!!!

    • When the vet is open, or if there's an emergency animal clinic that you can take him to, take him there NOW!!!You can't let him continue this suffering until death. It's tooooo unfair for the poor dog...GET HIM HELP.....ASAP

    • there are treatments for heartworms-depending on how sick he is, and how long he's had them-vet, upon examining him will be able to tell you his reccomendation. treatment requires hospitalization, and is very expensive--heartworms cannot be cured by over-the -counter methods--get him to the vet ASAP

    • Take him to the vet is what you can do!!!This innocent animal is totally depending on YOU to take care of take care of him! He's in an emergency situation, and needs YOU to help him!!!Your dog is ill. Either get care for him now or find someone else that will do it, just DO it.If he could drive himself, he would be getting cared for right now.

    • if your dog isn't on meds now or hasn't seen a vet, i don't think that there is much left to do. if your dog is suffering, which it sounds like he might be, putting him down might be your best bet. my dog had cancer and i didn't know until the very end and tried everything to save her. i ended putting her down cause keeping her around for my benefit was selfish...good luck

    • if the bowl of dog food last two days and your dog is coughing up blood, why haven't you taken your poor dog to the vet before this, and why are you wasting time asking this question on this forum.I think you should be turned into the spca for cruelty to animals.TAKE YOUR DOG TO THE VET RIGHT NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • If it is infact heartworms,,,,,if the dog is coughing up blood and has lost a lot of weight,, you should have wondered what to do quite some time ago.Sorry to inform you of this but there is no longer a magic pill that will fix the problem.It is now time to seek the help of a vet in putting the dog down so that it's suffering can come to an end.

    • You might be able to maintain killing the baby heartworms by giving doses of Heartguard but it will not kill the adult heartworms. There is a treatment that the vet can give your dog but there is no guarantee that he will make it through - it depends on how advanced the disease is. take him to the vet please and dont let him suffer. It sounds like he is suffering to me, try to get him some help.