My dog has heart worms what can i do?

My dog coughs up blood, lost a lot of weight, faints. I'll give him a bowl of food and it will last up to 2days. But he drinks a lot of waterI did take him to a vet. The vet wants $800 to make him better, i dont have that. He has only cough up blood…

    My dog has heart worms what can i do?

    My dog coughs up blood, lost a lot of weight, faints. I'll give him a bowl of food and it will last up to 2days. But he drinks a lot of waterI did take him to a vet. The vet wants $800 to make him better, i dont have that. He has only cough up blood…...
    General Dog Discussions : My dog has heart worms what can i do?...

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    • well first take him to the vet and the best way to keep them from coming back is to give him table scraps or greasy food at least once a week it cleans them out (that an old redneck tradition that has always worked on my dogs and anybody elses dog that does it)

    • Have you had your dog tested for heartworms? The symptoms are that of heartworms, but it's possible it could be something else. The test will confirm and allow the vet to properly treat. The symptoms you listed are indication of a very severe case of heartworms. You need to take him to the vet and have him treated for heartworms. The pills that you buy from the vet don't treat them as other people have stated, they only prevent them. If your dog has heartworms and you give him the preventative, you could cause major illnesses or even death. The veterinarian will give your dog a shot and your dog will have to stay the night. After a few weeks, your dog will need to go back to the vet for his 2nd heartworm treatment (yes you have to do both treatments)and, again, he will have to stay the night. Around 45 days after the 2nd treatment you will need to take your dog to the vet again, but this time for a heartworm test and preventative. You will need to keep your dog on this preventative for the rest of his life, so he won't get infested again. *BTW* heartworms are transmitted via mosquitos.The treatment for heartworms can be very expensive, but without treatment your pup will die (sometimes they die even with the treatment). Visit for more info on heartworms.

    • At this point you have two options, both include getting him to a vet ASAP. You either need to have him treated for the heartworms, or you need to have him euthanized. If he is coughing up blood and not eating, then he is in serious pain and is getting ready to die. If you don't care enough to have treated him already, or to have given him preventative so that he didn't get heartworms to begin with then please do the only humane thing here and euthanize him! It's not fair to him, and is selfish on your part to continue making him suffer!Heartworms are easily preventable, although it's to late for that discussion. Please don't get another dog in the future unless you are going to care for it properly! It's irresponsible and selfish to do anything else.

    • Not having the money for your dog is the worst right now, Right ?It is true that this should have been taken care of long time ago, before came to this point but, because it is a money problem right now you could turn him to SPCA, you know ? you just give away your dog to them and maybe they can save him. Sad !!!!! I know but it is the only thing I can think if you really want to save him because it's sound BAD. And the last thing I can think of is maybe the vet would take payments ? Good Luck.

    • If the dog is coughing up blood and loosing weight and you know he is positive for heart worms, get him treated. 800.00 is REALLY HIGH. They give a series of injection for heart worms. The first one is given and 30 days later they give 2 more in 2 days. The dog has to stay at the vet on the 2 day treatment. During this whole time, the dog MUST be kept calm, quiet and NO EXERCISE. The dog will need to be retested in 5-7 months after treatment is completed. See if you can find another vet that is more reasonable. One other thing you need to know is this. With a "strong positive" on the test and the dog coughing up blood etc. the treatment itself could kill him. The medicine you buy at the vet is NOT what they use to treat the dog. It is a preventative that they take after the treatment is completed. It is a one pill a month medicine. I paid 375.00 to have my girl treated. Find another vet, please.I hope you can find a way to get him treated.Good luck.

    • Worm Infestation in Dogs Intestinal worms are every breeder’s nightmare. And it’s nothing less for any dog owner.Dog worms are mainly of two types – roundworm and thread worms. Round worms as their name goes, are round and pale pink in color.Round worms infest in the intestines but can migrate to the stomach or are passed in stools. An infested dog’s faeces will contain millions of eggs, which may stick on to other dogs or may spread all around the area. These eggs then gain entry into a dog’s gut and subsequently hatch into worms and the cycle continues. Seen in puppies as young as 10 days, their infestation can be fatal. Route of entry is from an infested mother generally.