Does your dog sleep with you?

I love my rottie sleeping in my bed with us but where does your dog sleep and why?My dog does move around a lot at night. A lot of the time I'll wake up in the morning and he is sleeping on the floor by the bed. Really where ever he is most comfortable…

    Does your dog sleep with you?

    I love my rottie sleeping in my bed with us but where does your dog sleep and why?My dog does move around a lot at night. A lot of the time I'll wake up in the morning and he is sleeping on the floor by the bed. Really where ever he is most comfortable…...
    General Dog Discussions : Does your dog sleep with you?...

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    • Does your dog sleep with you?

      Does your dog sleep with you? General Dog Discussions
      I love my rottie sleeping in my bed with us but where does your dog sleep and why?My dog does move around a lot at night. A lot of the time I'll wake up in the morning and he is sleeping on the floor by the bed. Really where ever he is most comfortable I'm great with.

      Does your dog sleep with you?

      Does your dog sleep with you? General Dog Discussions
    • i have too many for it to be fair. and my 16 yr old cat has slept with me for 16 yrs. the bed is hers. the 2 pups are crated as well as the 1 yr 12 lb terrier x. but the little one is only crated because the 3 100 lb dogs have the run of the house and if the play got too rough she could be hurt. our 14 yr Aussie could be hurt if he fell off or tried to jump off the bed. so he has his own bed.

    • Our dog usually starts out the night sleeping between us and then will move to my feet and then by morning she's on the floor. If she wants to sleep with us she can but she has a dog bed and I tend to move around a lot plus she's a furry little heater.

    • My chihuahua sleeps in his own little dog bed in the laundry room, he will sleep in human beds for awhile but usually he will end up going back to his bed because he is used to it.

    • My pug sleeps with my husband and me and we love it. He is so cute. We want to sleep with him. Anyway, there seems to be 2 schools of thought. The hardcore Alpha Dog philosophy and well the other school of thought-not sure what to call it. I was told not to let my dog sleep with me because he would develop separation anxiety but this is certainly not the case. Our dog is happy and well adjusted. I don't see any problems with lettting your dog sleep with you as long as it is ok with you.

    • Mine start out me in the bed but gets in her own bed sometime during the night. I think she gets hot and wants to stretch out a bit, She is 70 lbs.My small one has own bed but sleeps with us, cuddled around my husband.

    • no they don't, it like your the alpha the boss the general then you let your men sleep in your bed , its like walking out the door who goes first you or your dog ... elementary obedience

    • Yes she does. I have a bug (boston terrier / pug mix) and she sleeps either in between my husband and I all stretched out, or under the covers by our feet. When my husbnad sleeps on his side she likes to curl up in between the curve in his legs. When he leaves for work in the morning she likes to come up by my head and sleep on his pillows. It seems like she wakes me up in the morning because when I wake up and roll over she is sitting right there looking at me! It sometimes scares me! But she is so damn cute.

    • I sleep with both my dogs. I sleep in the middle with Crash on my right near my knees under the blanket; sometimes he creaps up near my back. While Torquewrench sleeps on my hip on top of the blanket. Crash- American Pitbull about 90lbs.Torquewrench- Red nose pit and Boxer about 90lbs.

    • Well yes and NO.My english Mastiff does not sleep with me, for the obvious reason that he is about 170 pounds and he snores like the sum of 6 men, and he passes some serious gas on a regular basis. So we bought him a special super comfy bed of his own and he sleeps right next to me on the floor.My dachshund does sleep with me though, she sleeps at the end of the bed under the covers, sometimes she will sleep with my daughter if i stay up to late and she gets tired of waiting.

    • If she has already fallen asleep on my bed then I just leave her there, so she sleeps with me. But if its late, and shes rowdy and just still awake, I put her in her crate to sleep.I know I'm totally spoiling her, but if she cries in the middle of the night, I bring her up to sleep with me and she instantly stops and falls asleep... its so cute.

    • My Great Danes are too big to sleep with me even though I have a king-sized bed. We didn't start them sleeping in the bed, so it was no problem once they got a lot bigger. They both sleep on the floor, as well as my German Shepard and Sheltie. It gives them a senses of security being close to us and at the same time gives us security. No one in their right mind would attempt to come into our house uninvited.Hope this helped.

    • I have a small dog he has always slept with me in addition to being an early warning system they also can help you stay warm on a cold winter night and I just sleep better knowing he is there watching over me at night (have had him for nine years now)

    • He sleeps with me. It started when we first got him. He was 3 weeks old and his mom died. He had to keep warm and the house was kept cold. I kept him by my side and we'd fall asleep. He'd whine when he had to potty or was hungry. I fed him a bottle every 5 hours, and he tryed to eat soft food. We bonded a lot and I couldn't dare let him sleep on the ground. Now he does it since my brother got a pit pup like mine, except she is a brindle and white and she's 4 months old. This dog will chase my pup all over.